Icon Tutorial #4

Mar 03, 2006 16:23


For Photoshop 7, but may be translateable.

1.) Start off with your base. I cropped a picture of Aragorn & Arwen and pasted it onto a blank 100x100 base, but otherwise it is unedited. Sharpen it once, or twice, or however much you need.

2.) Duplicate your base. Desaturate it (Image>Adjustments>Desaturate). Set this layer to Screen, 100%

^Your icon should look somewhat like that now.

3.) Now, apply this gradient:
(by me) and set to Screen, 100%

4.) Next, apply this brush:
(by fangirls_inc) in white.

^If you've followed everything above exactly, your icon should look kinda like this.

5.) Now, we're going to throw a bit of color in. Apply this light texture:
(by Moonlight) and set it to Screen, 100%

And you're done!

Finished icon:

Feel free to use the finished icon, and my gradient, but please credit to http://www.distilled-spirits.net/evenstar (The Light of the Evenstar), NOT my journal. As for the brushes and the light texture, they were freeware so you can use them as long as you credit. I guess.
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