For Photoshop 7, but may be translateable.
1.) Start off with your base. I cropped a picture of Aragorn & Arwen and pasted it onto a blank 100x100 base, but otherwise it is unedited. Sharpen it once, or twice, or however much you need.
2.) Duplicate your base. Desaturate it (Image>Adjustments>Desaturate). Set this layer to Screen, 100%
^Your icon should look somewhat like that now.
3.) Now, apply this gradient:
(by me) and set to Screen, 100%
4.) Next, apply this brush:
fangirls_inc) in white.
^If you've followed everything above exactly, your icon should look kinda like this.
5.) Now, we're going to throw a bit of color in. Apply this light texture:
Moonlight) and set it to Screen, 100%
And you're done!
Finished icon:
Feel free to use the finished icon, and my gradient, but please credit to (The Light of the Evenstar), NOT my journal. As for the brushes and the light texture, they were freeware so you can use them as long as you credit. I guess.