My first tut

Jan 21, 2006 16:50

My first tutorial as requested by miss_walsh

A very simple tutorial in PS7

The way I start all of my icons is to open a new 100x100 document in photoshop and open the picture seperately.
I drag the image over to the new document and then resize it using the transform tool, so I can see how the composition looks while I'm resizing it.

1.After it's resized and where you want it, apply the unsharp mask at 80%, 1px
2.Use the blur tool at 12% to blur all of the skin showing, so that it looks smooth but not fake.
3.Use the sharpen tool at 10% and go over the eyes until they look clear and bright and run it briefly over the lips.
4.Use the dodge tool on 15% to brighten lips or eyes if needed.
I end up with

5.Apply a layer of this color (#F6DCBB) and set it on multiply at 80% opacity:

6.Use a soft round brush in black on the layer mask to go over the eyes and any other white or bright areas:

7.Duplicate the base layer, bring it up to the top and set it on soft light opacity 60%:

8.Add a tiny test brush in white. I used one from this set by gender

Final result:

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