My first icon tutorial post. Made with PSP7. :)
Go from
01. Take your base image, and crop it to 100x100. I used
02. Next sharpen the base once, getting this:
03. This next step can be done in several ways. You can either duplicate your sharpened base and desaturate. Or make a new layer, fill it in with #C0C0C0 (or black or white or any other gray color), and set it to either color, saturation, or hue.
04. Duplicate the original sharpened base, and drag it above the desaturated or color layer. Set it to color, opacity 58%.
05. Duplicate the base one more time, dragging it to the top. Erase Harry, so that only the background remains. Like this:
Set it to soft light.
06. Then, take the rectangle tool (
) and make a small rectangle, slightly bigger than the image you want to put in it. I used #C0C0C0 to fill in the rectangle and set it to screen. Position it wherever you like it best. Then, take the image you want to use, and place it over the rectangle. I used a part of the base.
07. Lastly, I used
this brush, by
77words, in #B0C7C9. (This layer should be the top layer.) I placed it where I thought it looked best. However, there was a small part covering Harry that I didn't like, so I just erased it...and ta da:
Mod's Choice @
hp_hush :)
x-posted @ my icon journal (
enitsirka) :D