PS Base/Gradient/Exclusion

Sep 16, 2005 00:41

I'm not really a H/Hr person (R/Hr all the way, man), but this screenshot I took of the GOF trailor that just came out was too cute to pass up.

** Note: During peak traffic hours, sometimes my images won't work, since they're linked from my personal site. If you refresh a few times, they'll most likely appear.

Let's go from here to

Before I get started, I'll take this opportunity to say that all textures, brushes and gradients used in this tutorial were made by me unless stated otherwise ^_^

Crop you subject(s) out so that the picture is wider than it is high. When you resize, resize the width to 100 and let the height be whatever the auto-proportions makes it.

Sharpen the image once or twice, whichever looks best. If the image is too dark (which this one is), adjust the levels to brighten it up. I cheated and used Auto-Levels (Image ---> Adjustments ---> Auto-Levels) :X

Now pick yourself out a nice grungey texture/base, like this one.

Create a new layer over your base, and (using the Rectangle Marquee tool) add a lengthwise rectangle in a color that matches your texture/base. Fade the opacity of this layer to about 56%. Create another layer, and make another rectangle, perpendicular to the first and a different size. Choose a different color that's in your base, as well. Set this one to Overlay. The base should look something like this:

Drag your image onto the base and move it to a spot where it looks good. Duplicate the image, and set the duplicated layer to Soft Light 40-ish%.

Create 2 new layers, and fill JUST the area that the picture inhabits which each of the two shown gradients. The brown/blue gradient should be underneath the brown/pink gradient. Set both to Soft Light 100%.

Create another new layer, and add some funky brushes.

Create yet ANOTHER new layer, and fill it with a very dark blue (about #05052D) and set it to Exclusion 100%.

Add some text (I used Georgia at 2-4px, strong/bold, 600 spacing/kerning), and you're done :)

Just for fun, I also made this icon using this same technique.

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