Angelina Tutorial

Jun 25, 2005 16:10


This is my first tutorial, as Ive been asked a couple of times by people to explain things, so I thought I'd give back to the community :P I decided to start with this icon, as its incredibly simple, and I didnt want to have to explain difficult/tricky stuff in my first tutorial :P

Anyway we shall be making
 from this

Firstly I took my image of the wonderful Ms Jolie, and cropped it to show the area I wanted to work with, I then resized it to 98x98 pixels (becomes clear later on why)

I then added a new layer and filled it with #002441:
 I then set the blend mode to exclusion.

I then added another new layer:
 (please note I cannot remember where I got this from so sorry. Its from Colorfilter (thankyou) ) I then set it to Hue (legacy)

Next, I duplicated the layer above, only this time set the blend mode to "soft light"

Afterwards I created a 1px border, in PSP9 you need to go to Image ---> Add Borders, I then choose a colour from my icon, for me it was #e3aa91. Now after adding my border, in this way the total size of my icon is 100x100, thats why I started off with the base at 98x98.

I then choose to add some text to my banner, so I used Base 02, size 10 and wrote "ANGELINA" I used #002441 that colour, (the same as the exclusion layer). Then to make the text tie in with the icon I set the blending mode to exclusion.

And voila you have

I used PSP 9 however due to the simplicity of the icon, im sure its translatable.
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