upon request i decided to do a tutorial for this icon. its not EXACTLY like mine but i couldn't remember everything i did when i did make my icon so i tried to match it the best i could. i hope this helps anyone that wanted to see how i did my icon <33
we'll be going from
to this
i took my picture and cropped it to 100 x 100
then i duplicated it and set it to blend mode screen opacity 100
then i went to layers and clicked on new raster layer and flood filled it with #100B39 and set it to blend mode exclusion opacity 100
then i went to layers and clicked on new raster layer and flood filled it with #FFFFFF.
i set it to blend mode overlay opacity 45.
then i merged it all. i used the soften brush a little under her eyes some and on her cheeks, you cant tell much of a difference if i didn't do it, but because i'm perfectionist i did it anyways lol.
and last i sharpened it once. and here we go