Icon Making: A General Guide

Dec 17, 2010 02:27

Program: Photoshop CS, but mostly translateable to all
Difficulty: Beginner, but basically as hard as you want
Translatable: Yes
PSD Included: No

The basics of: Cropping; Preparing; Colouring; Textures; Font

Using this as a visual example:

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tutorial: textures, tutorial: colouring, tutorial: text, graphic effects: textures, colouring: miscellaneous, graphic effects: text, basics: cropping, basics: miscellaneous

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Comments 10

etoilepb December 16 2010, 15:45:06 UTC

*runs away*



sidhex3 December 16 2010, 16:32:53 UTC
is it bad that i'm looking forward to christmas for the new DW episode?


etoilepb December 16 2010, 16:51:00 UTC
My parents get BBCA, Husband and Good Friend and I have made a 9 p.m. Christmas date at my parents' house for this express reason.

(My parents live 450 miles away from where Husband and I live, I think they are slightly bemused that at the end of Christmas Day I'm inviting a Jewish friend over to watch TV, but they like my friends so they're happy, haha.)


sidhex3 December 16 2010, 16:55:22 UTC

we'll be a my mom's and woohoo...she's got directv, so i should be able to watch it (eldest child is the only other DW fan in my house). but just in case, i'm dvr'ing it here at home. :)


strikske December 16 2010, 17:44:24 UTC
I like the way you write the tutorial. My only question is could you make the pictures bigger. I can't see the effects on them even when I open them on Photobucket.

And yes I would like to see more tutorials from you. The descriptions are easy to follow.


syrensymphony December 18 2010, 01:39:36 UTC
Sorry, Photobucket resized the images. I re-ulpoaded them with imageshack, they're now full-sized. Thanks for letting me know.

Thank you, I'm glad it was understandable =)


proggrrl December 16 2010, 19:20:34 UTC

Wonderful... now if someone could make a tut like this for "Starting with an AVI vid file of an entire show and ending up with an awesome animated GIF 100x100 icon" I'd be in heaven!



syrensymphony December 18 2010, 01:41:38 UTC
Haha, thanks.

Depends what you classify 'an awesome GIF.' I know how to make them, but not anything particularly fancy. What program do you use?


proggrrl December 23 2010, 16:18:13 UTC
What program do you use?First of all -- I'm on a Mac, so a lot of the advice that comes around on this comm about freeware isn't an option for me ( ... )


dinophwoar January 13 2012, 23:22:23 UTC
This was really helpful thank you!

I used to make all my own graphics many years ago but had completely forgotten how to load up photoshop, let alone make anything these days! I managed to make 5 userpics this evening with the help of this guide :)


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