Time for something a little different.

Nov 06, 2009 15:14

m'kay, people. So I got this crazy idea in my head and jazmin22 told me "DOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT!" It may have been done before, but WHAT THE HELL. This can never be done too many times.

So here it is.

My friends, I bring you:


The challenge is simple: see how many crossover fics/drabbles/etc we can get written in one month.

The process is equally simple:

1. Comment with a prompt for a crossover between ANY TWO+ FANDOMS EVER. (The crazier or more epic the better!)
2. Respond to prompts with either a) a comment!fic/drabble or b) a link to a longer fic posted elsewhere.
3. PIMP THIS OUT THE WAZOO. We all know prompt challenges are so much more fun if EVERYONE JOINS IN.

A few überquick rules/guidelines:

1. This challenge will go for ONE MONTH. So you have until Saturday, December 5 to post as many prompts and responses as humanly possible. (Of course, if something inspires you to write an epic 20-chapter fic that you don't get quite done in time, I'll hardly come to your house and butcher you because I'll be too busy reading.)

2. THIS IS ALL IN CRAZY GOOD FUN. So no negativity, plzkthx.

3. Post as few or as many different fandoms crossovers as you like, but keep each separate crossover in its own comment thread (so it's easier for people to skim through).

4. Write as few or as many fics as you like. ETA: you don't have to write fics to prompt or vice versa

5. You can respond to anyone's prompt (even your own!), and there's no limit on responses to the same prompt, but do try to spread out the love if you can.

6. You must include the names of at least two different fandoms (you can include more than two... in fact, PLEASE DO); should go without saying, but a show and its spinoff (e.g. "JAG/NCIS") does not count.

7. Prompts can take on any format (e.g. "Battlestar Galactica/Stargate Atlantis" or "Supernatural/Star Wars - Dean and Han hunt Jawas" or "House/Lost - 'blue' - het" etc, etc)

Some ideas for things to include in prompts:
-Characters you want to see interact
-Basic plot ideas
-typical prompty things (a color, a word, a generic concept)
-if you specifically want gen, het, or slash


And please please please... PIMP!!!!!

Here's a banner, if you wanna pimp with it. (Feel free to hotlink)

other: fic

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