Yes, I know, the 11341234123th D/Hr fanmix. But I hope you'll check out mine because... it's mine! Heh. Plus I went through a lot of trouble for it... OK not really but I was bored. Anyway, enjoy!
What pretty coverart, and a great selection of tracks! ;) Definitely downloading. Also -- a bit on the pimpin' side -- this would look great on dhr_soundtrack. ;)
Hehe, thanks. I actually got it from a lecture my English professor gave, and I dug it so much I still remember it. Ahh, wonder what she would do if she knew I applied it to Harry Potter. :p
I love the fact that instead of using popular radio artists, you decided on artists who were known for their song writings merits. I would happily download any fanmix you've made, anyday of the week.Kudos on the brilliant song choices.
Thank you so much! I tried to stay away from really popular stuff cos it shows up on every fanmix... also, thank my friend paperpieces5... she got me into a lot of those artists!
Comments 24
Also -- a bit on the pimpin' side -- this would look great on dhr_soundtrack. ;)
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