{exo} At the Stroke of Midnight

Aug 13, 2014 22:01

title: At the Stroke of Midnight
pairing: Tao/Sehun
word count: 2800 words
rating: PG-13
summary: This story, just like all others, begins with a “once upon a time”. But the question is, will it end with a “and they lived happily ever after”?

He believes that he has everything he wanted at that moment, except not really. )

genre: horror/dark, !fanfic, length: oneshot, rating: pg-13, pairing: sehun/tao

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Comments 9

snow_meow August 13 2014, 15:01:18 UTC
I'm confused as to what is Sehun and who is the one that's trap.


xiujaemin August 13 2014, 23:59:39 UTC
i didn't make it clear there didn't i lol i'm sorry sehun really is the kid that zitao met before. They're both trapped, a part of jongin's collection. In fact, sehun isn't really prince, but merely a part of jongin's collection, only that jongin has him pretending to be his brother.but not even the king knows


hipployta August 14 2014, 00:32:20 UTC
Oh my...has Jongin taken the throne via sorcery? Sehun is the boy from childhood but he's also one of the people frozen by Jongin, along with the rest of the nobility, but Luhan decided to grant escape for them


xiujaemin August 16 2014, 13:06:18 UTC
yep! you got it all right!
thanks for reading and commenting!~


canadaphile August 14 2014, 03:32:48 UTC
Jongin's such a brat. He could collect anything in the world, and he chooses to collect men. Not that I blame him, honestly. I mean, I'd collect pretty people, too, but they just take up so much room unless you can shrink them down.

Luhan's secretly a softie. Does this mean he'll help Sehun and Tao escape Jongin, though? :/a



xiujaemin August 16 2014, 13:09:48 UTC
Jongin's collection is a by-product of my feels from Blossom Tears because Leo killed his girlfriend and turned her into a mannequin and everything escalated quickly from there He's got the problem regarding the space covered though, palaces are damn big.

yes he will!~ (because i said so lol)


canadaphile August 16 2014, 16:35:12 UTC
I liked that MV. I approve. But what happens when he fills all the rooms? When he can't tempt people to the palace without them seeing his collection? Forethought, Jongbabe. Forethought.


baekmebacon August 17 2014, 17:49:18 UTC
bae y u do dis. bae how could you.

how could you write fics while at uni. how.

i cri. dis is so sad. well except the part where Luhan claims he's got his sex life covered. NO NO NO NO NO NO. MINSEOK SHALL NOT PARTAKE IN HIS BOOTY. okay? okay. //blabbering//


xiujaemin August 22 2014, 05:57:46 UTC
i actually wrote this a while back but only finished typing at uni lul.



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