{exo} Step-by-Step Tekken Tutorials

May 06, 2014 13:31

title: Step-by-Step Tekken Tutorials
pairing: Xiumin/Luhan, ninja Kai/D.O.
word count: 4,162 words
rating: PG-13
summary: “Game console. Slightly used. Undamaged. 1000 won for the whole bundle, 300 won for the spare parts. Cannot be returned once bought.” The description says. Kyungsoo clicks the “buy” button anyway.

Things like this should come with cautions like, “Handle with care,” or “Nice to see, nice to touch. But once broken, considered sold,” yet the only notice written was “No return OR exchange.” )

pairing: xiu min/luhan, genre: fluff, !fanfic, genre: au/ar, length: oneshot, genre: humor, rating: pg-13, pairing: kai/kyungsoo

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Comments 22

baekmebacon May 6 2014, 07:37:55 UTC
you did not make use of the L2+R2 combo.

i therefore hate you. ;Q; but this is tekken so yeahhhhhhhhh


xiujaemin May 6 2014, 07:43:53 UTC
i can't make use of that bcs my imagination is restricting me OTL
thank you for beta-ing and reading this anyway //kisses you//


canadaphile May 6 2014, 17:19:42 UTC
Hello. I am OP. You have delighted me. I saw this fill and was legit writhing and squealing. You did a very very good job; I could not stop smiling while reading.

Kyungsoo plays video games like my brother. Just settle down, brosef.

“You’re not one to order me around, you’re not my mom.”

“Plot twist: not yet.” Children, please.

Cue in Super Mario’s background music playing in the background as they roll over and continue to strangle each other, only to end up looking like hungry baby pandas. What beautiful imagery.

He looks down to find a dozen or so Squidwards printed on Jongin’s boxers, just about where his ass is located, giving him a bored look. Kyungsoo has a gut feeling that they were mocking him. Yes. The ass!'wards love to mock.

Kyungsoo is bothered of the fact that he hasn’t witnessed the clear telltale signs of Luhan flirting with Xiumin It's worrying when nothing happens between them. Like, is Luhan sick?

The general of hell, Azazel, is personified in the form of cat-like eyes belonging to a tall, lanky maknae that ( ... )


xiujaemin May 7 2014, 01:03:13 UTC
thank you! i wasn't expecting anyone to like this tbh, but your feedback made me smile //cries
tbh my brother's obsessed with video games too. that's why the prompt really appealed to me uwu
i guess sehun being dumb has inspired me? lol
i forgot what it was called because my best friend kept on calling it "minseok's man purse" i'm sorry OTL

actually that's a very nice suggestion for an ending. i feel like making a sequel


canadaphile May 7 2014, 04:07:30 UTC
I'm glad I could brighten your face for a wee bit. It's a goal of mine to praise where praise is due ( ... )


xiujaemin May 7 2014, 04:40:11 UTC
"scottish crotch purse" //chokes

i'll write a sequel if when i get to think of a plot? (or maybe you could gimme another prompt hehehe). but right now i'll try to finish the fics i owe my friends first hehehe. uwu


baekmebacon May 7 2014, 09:56:36 UTC
it will forever be Minseok's man purse


xiujaemin May 7 2014, 10:01:12 UTC


ikik09 May 8 2014, 15:49:26 UTC

Crazy fic! ♥


xiujaemin May 9 2014, 04:03:43 UTC
thank you!~
(and it's crazy because the world is insane)


keep_it_kpoppin May 9 2014, 01:20:54 UTC
I would think that the joke would be something about 1000 won = $1 USD and 300 won is about 30 cents. But instead the joke was "the controller is magic."

It's still cute, though! ^^


xiujaemin May 9 2014, 04:05:06 UTC
it's something like that too, but the focus is more on about the crazy xiuhan thing. uwu

i'm glad you find it cute. thanks for reading! =)


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