Title : Always Be With You
Author :
icha_kazeindaPairing : My lovely pairing, Ohno Satoshi & Sakurai Sho
Rating : PG-13
Genre : AU, Romance, Drama
Disclaimer : They are not mine TT^TT ( but Satoshi owns Sho ne~ xD )
Warning : Unbeta-ed, bad english (since english is not my first language) m(_ _)m
Summary : Sho is a famous pianist in Japan. He feels complete
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Comments 26
I'll try to update next week.. hopefully I have time.. ^^
satoshinya kemana ya? emm, jangan bilang2 mama sho, kl sbnrnya dia lagi sm aku.. #plak
penasaran satoshi nya ngelaut kemana tuh, ampe ga tau dimana rimbanya.. ditunggu next chapternyaaaa..
hayoooo... kemana cobaaa~ *kenapa jadi main tebak2an begini* xDD
haiii~ ganbarimasu!!! \(^o^)/
Yatto~kita zo!! >.<
Turn on the alarm? turn off maksudnya ka? XD
It's interesting! and I like it!! ^^
It's not just because main pair is yama but I'm curious about the story. Thanks for sharing nee-chan! Can't wait for next chapter! please update asap *slap* :P
I just realized that I actually wrote "turn of" and missed one letter 'f' *kicks* xDD
thanks for reminding me imouto-chan.. ^^
hopefully I can update next chapter asap :)
thanks for reading~ <333
more angst for the next one? ;))
keep up ichaaaa !!
and i hope ohno would have eyes for ninomiya instead :p /runs before i get kicked
thanks for giving your comment!! *hugs*
nope. hopefully no more angst for next chapter coz just write this prologue had made me crying TT^TT
hahahaha.. gomen ne azuki-chan.. no ohmiya in this story but maybe I will try to write one in the future (but one-sided) lol xDDD *run away*
thanks for reading anyway~ <3333
lol I know, it's always hard to write other things beside our otp :>
yep! You're always welcome :))
ganbarimasu!!! xDD
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