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Comments 11

eldarwannabe May 26 2010, 05:47:16 UTC
I think my favorite part about that kiss is that Ianto starts to put out his hand for a handshake, all nervous and uncertain, before Jack pulls him in for the hug. I think it shows how secret they've been keeping their relationship (so secret that we barely get to see it!) and how he's still so unsure exactly where they stand. Then Jack snogs him right in front of Owen, which is just great. Then he FREAKING THE FREAK LEAVES and I'm going to ignore that for a bit. You know, you could have just referenced the .gif on the side of your lj, not that I'm objecting to rewatching whole scenes...

(PS - CHECK YOUR EMAIL! I crave feedback and your my only Torchwood friend and I cannot beleive I am doing this during finals. *puppy eyes*)


eldarwannabe May 26 2010, 05:49:38 UTC
So distracted I can't spell.

*you're my only Torchwood friend. (Does anglophile09 watch Torchwood, or just Doctor Who? I suppose I should check that...


iceshade May 26 2010, 05:55:03 UTC
I don't know if she watches Torchwood... (and I do mention the gif... it just happens to be the last line) XD


iceshade May 26 2010, 05:53:51 UTC
I saw your email and I'm going to read it in the morning, (I should really be in bed now, and good luck on your final) but this fic: http://cazmalfoy.livejournal.com/239060.html is kind of the most perfect example of why I love that kiss.


ontinia May 26 2010, 12:55:45 UTC
Herm. You do have a point about that kiss being great, the hesitation and Jack pulling him, the hug. It is really nice, plus it's the first kiss we see for them. Verrah good point. Yessum.

I watched Tin Man a year or two ago (DVDs) and it wasn't bad. So, decent choice. Though, I've apparently, seen a lot more mini series than you...


iceshade May 26 2010, 14:54:17 UTC
And the music is kinda awesome and dramatic too.

Well like I said, the only two miniseries I think I've ever watched were CoE and Tin Man, making the winner pretty obvious there XDDD (would the 2009 specials count? considering they weren't a full series, or is that just semantics?)

HOSHIT I just realized the background on your icon is clouds, I always just thought it was a funny blue texture, LAUGHING AT MYSELF FOREVER (FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN).


ontinia May 26 2010, 15:13:48 UTC
Yeah, Tin Man wins over CoE anyday. And in everyway. (hm, I'd like to think that the specials count, sorta, I guess. sure, why not?)

XD Gah, I took me forever to make that icon as at the time I only had paint.


thrace_adams May 27 2010, 00:40:30 UTC
I love that kiss too :) So good...

And *giggles* about what you said about the show that cannot be named. I'm right there with you...if I was on the Lost island and that was the ONLY thing I could watch, I'd watch the ocean instead.


iceshade May 28 2010, 03:34:13 UTC
The Lost Island probably has it's own TV network XD Don't knock the ocean, especially tropical ocean, it's fascinating.


thrace_adams May 28 2010, 03:40:00 UTC
Oh I wasn't knocking the ocean...I LOVE the ocean...I'd like to live by the ocean, but if I had to live for an eternity..I do think eventually watching the ocean waves might get boring...but I'd still rather do that than watch that craptastic piece of trash that the narcissistic F**Ktard tried to shove off on us as brilliant television.


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