nearest book

Mar 22, 2010 18:07

I forget who I ganked this from. I think it was a random lj I stumbled across because of a kink meme.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know ( Read more... )

books, meme

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Comments 8

ontinia March 22 2010, 22:09:25 UTC
Damn. I never thought of that. I've always known that during the Zombie attack to head to a boat but I never thought about them walking on the Ocean floor and climbing up via anchor.

Dash cunning, those zombies.


iceshade March 22 2010, 22:11:31 UTC
that is some seriously fast replying.

the thing is, he said earlier in the books that zombies can't climb. it's the flip-flop of god! (no tvtropes link because I have things to do tonight)


ontinia March 22 2010, 22:21:20 UTC
Whoo! I like doing fast replies.

Huh. Well then. I'm not sure why they'd be so worried.


tm_sharkbait March 23 2010, 00:26:10 UTC
My closest book is a dictionary. Does that count or should I find something else?


iceshade March 23 2010, 01:03:49 UTC
find a real reading book XD


tm_sharkbait March 23 2010, 02:13:39 UTC
lol You said nearest and that was the nearest! I'll post it in a few minutes. Using an actual book that is.


iceshade March 23 2010, 02:37:37 UTC
That's what the meme said, I figure they meant a book as opposed to a dictionary. (though they said that textbooks count)


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