Title: In the Shadows Chapter: Four Fandom: City of Villians Character: Tainted Shade aka Tag Van Keuren Genre: Character origin Word Count: 2,405 Warnings: None
Awww, another boy´s dreaming to be a Hero! But I wonder what will happen that Tag will be a villain later. And what about Jason? In this age all boys make plans with the best friend, but it seems this one will not get to be real...
Aw... ^_^ We all know that things have to go south, because Tag has to become the bitter villain Tainted Shade, so this is kind of sad knowing what's to come. That'd be an interesting AU, to see how things might've gone differently... Tag could've been... The Porcupine! The Spiny Echidna! The Stinging Nettle! ;D
Comments 3
But I wonder what will happen that Tag will be a villain later. And what about Jason? In this age all boys make plans with the best friend, but it seems this one will not get to be real...
Though I know that Tiny's glad that he's not a hero in the long run though ^_~
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