I have definitely used the N7 Bootcamp Renegade Shep system of motivation before too! FEMSHEP WOULDN'T COP OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF HER PUSHUPS! SHE WOULD TAKE THE PAIN! And I mean c'mon, that FemShep butt is pretty convincing (especially in ME3...). Being able to fireman carry Bobby like FemShep always carts around Kaidan is definitely a life goal.
And OMG I found a blog post on that site about body-weight exercises (for people like me who don't have a gym membership)... My legs are like noodles!! I'm going to try and stick with it with the hopes that if I can get my baseline fitness level up, maybe I won't be so intimidated to try some classes or something!
I think you should get a +1 for Charisma based on your persuasion skills ;)
You know, if it were a 100% sure bet that I would get a FemShep butt after doing squats for a while, I would be stacking on the weight EVERY DAY. Maybe that'll be something to add in for the next 6-week challenge? I already have "do full, proper push-up" as one of my goals, because I'm tired of doing the against the wall ones or on my knees.
Being able to fireman carry a guy would be an awesome thing to put on your fitness resume. And WOOT for trying the bodyweight stuff! I haven't looked, but I did see the Angry Birds workout they have on there. It looks interesting, but I'd be stuck on the lower levels for each exercise forever.
I'm trying to get back up to being able to do "full" push-ups. I could do them last summer after a couple weeks of building up from on-the-knees push-ups and it was SO satisfying! I have shoulder issues and I find building up my strength in that area really helps.
I peeped the Angry Birds workout and ahhhhh Level 6 = 6 minutes of planking??! Ahhhhhhh! Only cheese-grater level abs need apply!
Comments 3
And OMG I found a blog post on that site about body-weight exercises (for people like me who don't have a gym membership)... My legs are like noodles!! I'm going to try and stick with it with the hopes that if I can get my baseline fitness level up, maybe I won't be so intimidated to try some classes or something!
I think you should get a +1 for Charisma based on your persuasion skills ;)
Being able to fireman carry a guy would be an awesome thing to put on your fitness resume. And WOOT for trying the bodyweight stuff! I haven't looked, but I did see the Angry Birds workout they have on there. It looks interesting, but I'd be stuck on the lower levels for each exercise forever.
I peeped the Angry Birds workout and ahhhhh Level 6 = 6 minutes of planking??! Ahhhhhhh! Only cheese-grater level abs need apply!
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