Good: Yay, we finally get Doctor Who in the States!
Bad: Commercials seriously mess with the flow of the episodes. Skiffy saw fit to cut chunks out of it, too. Should've expected that, really, but I'm a bit irked that they cut out (
not really a spoiler, but cut anyway. )
Comments 11
Still, as you say, at least it's on here!
I know! I think EOTW is one of the longest, but even so... Although I read somewhere that the frame rate per second for PAL format is faster than NTSC, and thus 45 minutes in PAL is 47 in NTSC, or something like that. Bah. I know networks like Fox do soemthing where they cut out "unnecessary" frames so they can shove more commercials in; dunno why that kind of thing couldn't have happened here instead of the blatant cutting.
Still, as you say, at least it's on here!
But like you said, it's here!
Also: an entire community for Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossovers. Hmmm.
Ow. My brain.
Very grousy here. People who hadn't seen it before don't seem to find the non-intro'd "Toxic" jarring, but that was one of the best jokes of the episode, dammit!
Ow. My brain.
Quite. I suppose it was inevitable given DT's role in the last movie, but this nascent Rose/Barty Jr. movement is just freaky. Although I have to say that the idea of the Doctor with a wand is kind of entertaining. Even though you know that if he ever actually ended up in HP land, he'd be all, "Magic? Please. Now, my sonic screwdriver, on the other hand..."
They cut this from the end of the second episode, which made me sad. :(
I've already decided to get the dvd set when it comes out... so I guess I'll see it then.
Oh, poo.
I presume you're talking about the head on shoulder thing?
Naturally. *g*
I've already decided to get the dvd set when it comes out... so I guess I'll see it then.
Mmmm, DVDs. I'd love to get them when they come out here, but as they're BBC, they'll probably be quite expensive, and I will be a just-graduated unemployed sort of person, so...yeah. Perhaps not. *sigh*
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