Well, this page is dedicated as a link to other sites that have translations on them. I'm just going to pick out a few that I tend to find some of the requests that I get on.
For Mizuki Nana:
- Deciphered Melody [linked to Mizuki Nana tag] - has a respectable number of Nana songs translated, but also has a substantial amount of anime songs.
- carlenne [linked to Mizuki Nana tag] - has a respectable number of Nana songs translated, and a substantial amount of other artistes (including Korean artistes...)
- IF YOU'RE TOO LAZY TO CHECK THE ABOVE, AT LEAST CHECK THIS: Mizuki Nana Fansite [linked to translation list] - owner of site has taken it upon himself (at least, I'm assuming from the name that's the owner is a she) to scour the web for Nana song translations, and this has a collection! I found some that I've been asked to do yet are already on the site (and there are those that I did on my own accord...)
For Tokusatsu:
This is not my way of insulting others' skills, but I do believe that only good translations are worth reading. That's why I myself am totally open to suggestions as to how to better my translations.