Title: Our Stars Scattered Like Dust (5/11)
icedteainthebag and
wishflsinflCharacters/pairings: Adama/Roslin, Kara/Lee, Gaius/Caprica, other assorted affairs, ensemble cast
Rating: MA (graphic sex)
Warnings: AU, Character death
Spoilers: through Daybreak
Summary: As the new bartender on the cruise ship Galactica Bill Adama is hoping for an uneventful first voyage
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Comments 30
I really felt for Laura visiting the memorial of her family, and I love this observation of hers: It's got to feel very freeing:
Bill knew nothing of this. He just saw her, tasted the liquor on her tongue, and that was normal to him. Her normal.
Oh, and everything is better if Ellen does it ;).
Thank you for pulling out all of the little bits that are working for you. It's great to see what's jumping out and grabbing readers.
Glad that line worked for you. It was tough to try and infuse this crackfest with real struggles about alcoholism and other things. I didn't want them to seem out of place.
I'm not the only one here who found the illustrious Captain Tigh way, way hot.
It is truly a magical blend of stupid and lovely. The scene at the descanto was so beautiful. wishflsinfl wrote it and it's one of my favorite parts of the story. Except I didn't know what descanto meant so I thought it was going to be a funny scene when she first told me about it.
That said, I KNEW angst was coming - and it keeps on hitting. And my mood is horribly swingy, so I'm swinging like a pendulum through this fic. ><"
This fic has a lot of ups and downs, which seem to be more extreme when you read straight through. It's been wild to read all of your comments in a row like this.
Well, it wasn't All Along the Watchtower but at least they actually sang the damn thing instead of half-drunk muttered it in a hallway. Go possible cylon people?
Laura and Bill's complete inability to stay on one wavelength is great.
This makes me so happy. <3
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