Title: Their Secrets Author: icedteainthebag Pairing: Laura/Bill Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 100 Notes: Written for whatever_lj for her generous donation to gulf_aid_now. Hope you like it.
I don't see you with a vacuum cleaner out there, tidying up the gulf! (Vacuum, one of my least favorite words, because of the double lettering quandry)
But well, I can't see the gulf from here, so.
The power of your money and my talent has saved how many pelicans? I don't even know. Suck on that, EJO.
Are you slamming my spelling? To paraphrase Mark Twain, I have no respect for a person who has so little imagination he can only think of one way to spell a word.
But yeah, don't bother to look for me out gulf-sucking -- I don't even know where the vacummm cleaner is kept in my home.
I sent you a warm, heartfelt gush of thanks for this fic, via PM. Because I'm trying to preserve my public reputation as crusty and curmudgeonly.
Comments 28
Laura, of course, did not.
Who are all these people, and why do they get to enjoy MY story?
I don't see them with a vaccuum cleaner out there, tidying up the gulf!!!
And, I probably should publicly point out:
Before I bid and Tea wrote this story == oil gushing into the Gulf
After I bid and Tea wrote and posted the story == oil spill capped, everything perfect in the Gulf
The is a powerfully awesome story, people -- enjoy at your own risk!
But well, I can't see the gulf from here, so.
The power of your money and my talent has saved how many pelicans? I don't even know. Suck on that, EJO.
But yeah, don't bother to look for me out gulf-sucking -- I don't even know where the vacummm cleaner is kept in my home.
I sent you a warm, heartfelt gush of thanks for this fic, via PM. Because I'm trying to preserve my public reputation as crusty and curmudgeonly.
Love it when you write! ♥
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