Title: Act of Defiance
icedteainthebagSummary: Laura and Lee frak around on the freezer ship.
Pairing: Laura/Lee
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1,222
Spoilers: This is set during The Farm.
Notes: Total PWP. Okay, so I wrote this for
missbevcrusher for our...
Laura Lee Cold Day/Hot Love Challenge
Freezer Ship Frakfest!
She posted first. I haven't read
Stolen Moment yet,
Read more... )
Comments 27
Sorry about the only tangentially appropriate icon. :)
I think everybody should go down to the freezer ship for the frakfest, honestly. Bill, Laura, Lee, Gaius, Caprica Six... what a frakfest it could be!
Thanks for reading. :)
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks for reading, I'm so happy that it might have disrupted your work efficiency. That's what good porn does. Makes you disfunctional. lol
*whimpers* Okay so this was the BEST thing to wake up to this morning. Damn...
You write super awesome Laura/Lee. I loved it. So, so, much. *L*
And great minds apparently think alike LOL! Mutual masturbation FTW!!! LOL
By the way, that last line from Laura, EPIC AWESOME!!!! I might have flailed on that one. :D You're the best!!!
That's what Laura said to Lee when she woke up with him li--- wait, nevermind. lol. *L*L*L*
Awww, thank you, and YOU write super awesome Laura/Lee as well. We are like, the *L*Ladies. lol
The masturbation thing is hilarious to me. One of these days they're really gonna frak, and it is going to be AWESOMESAUCE.
You're the best too. *hugs* ♥
This was hot and humerous at the same time. Also loved the photo at the end it fits perfectly with what they just did ;)
Thank you for reading and commenting, I'm pleased you appreciate the hotness.
And yeah, that photo depicts the exact look I envision Lee giving her... yeah. lol.
btw, how did you manage to find a smug pic of Lee??? He always seems so...wussy. Must be the lighting :).
it seemed that once things were smoother between her and Bill, this was just dropped
This makes total sense to me. I think most people who think they got it on, think they got it on before she and Bill were really getting along :)
Thanks for reading... yes, it was actually ON, and we completed our freezer ship sexy mission.
I'm so happy you thought it was hot--I know it's not your thing and I love that you turned your filter off for it. :)
Love the icon.
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