Title: Fleet Issue
icedteainthebagSummary: Laura's fallen in love.
Pairing: Laura/solo with a dose of Adama!love
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 890
Kink: fleet tank fetish, ok!?
Notes: For
bsg_kink's fetish week. No self-indulgence here. Nope. Not at all.
Laura hates to admit she's fallen in love. )
Comments 45
Laura loving on a fleet tank makes me happy. I just really like that you can bring the hot but you can also bring the funny.
I just don't know why Bill doesn't wear his fleet tanks all the time - he'd probably make a change to the fleet uniform if he knew about Laura's obsession.
But then again, she thinks as she slips into her makeshift bedroom, she might enjoy being caught and the ensuing punishment a little too much, depending on who was doling it out. Of course, it would be the Admiral. Wearing his fleet tanks. - This, also. Good. Yes.
(It should also be important to know that when I read the kink, I thought tank was some kind of military weapon and didn't know where this was going to go.)
he'd probably make a change to the fleet uniform if he knew about Laura's obsession.
I bet he would. And she would really appreciate it. :)
I thought tank was some kind of military weapon and didn't know where this was going to go
I was a little worried it would read funny using the phrase "tank." I think I'll read through it again envisioning the armored vehicle just to see how it works out.
Enjoy the smut. I was kinda *cough* shameless in that one. Well... shameless for me cause my pr0n is usually pretty tame.
Seriously, go back and re-read it from that perspective (say, early season 2.5) and the added hotness will blow your mind.
Bill would give up his toothbrush to see her like this.
And we all know about the love Bill has for that damn toothbrush!
Everybody loves the toothbrush!
Thanks for the feedback and for reading. I'm so happy you're around! :)
She doesn't know why she can't stop thinking about them--they look so ridiculous when the crew wears them layered, a style that serves no purpose she can fathom. Rather, it looks like they can't dress themselves and put one of their tanks on backward.
LOL they SO do.
A fleet tank and panties. Bill would give up his toothbrush to see her like this.
Yes, yes he would. And this should be the sequel.
I kinda love the sequel idea... give me your toothbrush and I'll give you a show. That toothbrush means a lot to him--not even considering that it's probably a bitch to get a new one--and it'd be interesting to see what kind of negotiations they could conduct in order for them both to get what they want. ;)
Thanks for the feedback and I'm really happy you enjoyed the story.
A fleet tank and panties. Bill would give up his toothbrush to see her like this.
As flamingo55 said, I want a sequel that includes this scene.
Hot, funny, and so very enjoyable.
You both have me thinking pretty hard about this toothbrush thing now. lol.
Well, they were his tanks :P ... sorry, couldn't resist (any* excuse to use the Mary crazy hair icon :D)
*self betaed
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