[Curly Ripe Meat] Married People Advice

Oct 06, 2009 15:53

My friend Feather is freaking awesome. So's her husband. I realize that ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

buz October 6 2009, 23:50:25 UTC
Wow - In a "couple" or not, that's very insightful.

I'm sure that singles can do the same, but the isolation and lack of (*ahem*) "constructive criticism" can easily lead to reinforcing bad (or at least anti-social) behavior.


icedaemoness October 7 2009, 00:00:23 UTC
Interesting, eh?
It's kinda got that double-whammy, too... 'cause old, cranky wives always tell you that people just stay the same after they get together. Not so, old ladies!!!

Oh hay: I keep getting set free from my yoga intensives early... are you guys still having that housewarming this weekend?


buz October 7 2009, 00:26:26 UTC

Indeed we are. We'd be all happy n'stuff if you can make it.


elusis October 7 2009, 02:12:06 UTC
That's... an explanation for why couples seek out other couples?

Pretty crappy diss on those of us who are single, IMHO. I mean... being single equals not "inciting healthy behavior"? Sheesh.


icedaemoness October 7 2009, 22:33:04 UTC
Nope; I did not say that at all.

I said, "why the stereotypical urges?"
Feather said, "I think it's really that you're looking for a certain type of friend."


0ntological October 7 2009, 03:20:58 UTC
I can understand the sentiment of wanting to have healthy friends.
And I can particularly understand wanting to be around people who have made a commitment to constantly be working on themselves. I want to be around those people too. You are one of those people! So am I, and so are most of the folks we know!
I'm sure neither you nor her meant this in a way that somehow implied anything negative about not married people or single people (I met her at your wedding and she was awesome!), but it does sorta sound like that. I won't go in to a whole long thing about how marriage isn't for everyone (raises hand) or how I know tons of people who would be (or are) more healthy single or how society certainly does not encourage being single or being not in a not attached-at-the-hip couple.

I'm just sayin'. Some of us are a bit sensitive about this kind of thing, and we hope you still like us lots and think of us as people who "incite healthy behavior".


icedaemoness October 7 2009, 22:37:54 UTC
You're freaking awesome & I loooove and admire your tremendous character!! <3

But, no, I was not dissing the singles, as you noted (thank you); just identifying a renewed urge to seek out awesome folks.

Part of this arising is that I live further away now; there is a gap in local friends, and new friends should be carefully & lovingly chosen :)
PS come over :)


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