Good to hear from you again sweetie, glad you're feeling kinda better? *hugs* Cheer up <3 <3 I know living with the family is not exactly the best (trust me I'm still stuck here ><) but at least you're surrounded with people that love you? ^^ I sure hope so. AVENGERS MOVIE YES! Coming out one day before my b-day = FTW I am so there! xD And no worries hun I know you've been busy ^^ as long as I get to hear from you every now and then <3 ^_^. Btw, do you have a facebook or something? I'm in there a lot lol would come in handy to keep in contact ^^;; if not is fine :3. Miss you lots!! <3 *hugs* ^^
haha that's true!! my moms be cookin' too, so it's all good...they mean well, i guess. x3 BUT FUCK YEAH AVENGERS I'M SO EXCITED BLARGH. i forgot that your birthday is coming up, yo! dude, we're so getting old. TEAR.
i did have facebook, but i ended up having to shut it down...i'm thinking about getting back up on there though, so if i do, i'll let you know! do you have tumblr or anything? :O
Lol see look at the bright side :) *hugs* AVENGERS FCK YEAH man xD ugh we are old indeed *sigh* -_-;;; my niece asked me how old I was the other day >_> I told her 19.. she believed me lawl *flex*
Okies letme know if you get facebook then >_< hope you do lol <3 I don't even know what's tumblr D: I could look it up I guess =/
Miss you too sweetie <3 *hugs*! Hope you're doing better ^_^
Comments 3
i did have facebook, but i ended up having to shut it down...i'm thinking about getting back up on there though, so if i do, i'll let you know! do you have tumblr or anything? :O
miss you lots too mi vida! *hughughug*
Okies letme know if you get facebook then >_< hope you do lol <3 I don't even know what's tumblr D: I could look it up I guess =/
Miss you too sweetie <3 *hugs*! Hope you're doing better ^_^
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