You'll Go Places

Jan 29, 2013 00:10

Summary: Another Doctor/Martha from me! This is another SMUT/LEMONY/DESCRIPTIVE SEX SCENES you've been warned one. Written for my lovely Sheena's birthday back in December, I'm posting it...just for you guys!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.

Martha would be lying if she said she didn't look like a slag at the moment. It wasn't her fault-not completely. The TARDIS had provided the clothing for her evening out with her girlfriends. Martha probably would've preferred something less flashy though.

The black skirt was tiny and tight. Martha was pretty sure if she bent over it would rise up. That's why she paired it up with fishnet stockings that had daisy patterns. She was also wearing a maroon, lacy corset top that couldn't have made her small chest look bigger or waist any smaller.
“Where in the bloody hell are you going dressed like that?” A very familiar male voice asked from behind her. She stopped staring at her reflection in the full length mirror. Martha tossed spiral curled dark locks over her shoulder. The Doctor took in Martha's clothing and felt a surge of protection (and lust) course through him. Something about that attire told him that his Martha would attract more attention than he liked.

“Out, with my friends. I told you that earlier! This ship had better be in my flat.”

“Y-y-you look...erm...” The Time Lord tried to find a good way of voicing how Martha's outfit looked...on her. It wouldn't look that out of place on Peri, then again he hadn't been sexually attracted to Peri and therefore hadn't paid it any mind. Martha was his and he didn't like sharing.

The Londoner turned around and crossed her arms. “I look how?” She raised an eyebrow. “Choose your words wisely Time Lord.”

The Time Lord knew when words would work and when actions were better. In this case, actions were definitely better. The Doctor closed the gap between them. His hands traced the waistband of the skirt before he slid one hand down the sides and underneath it. “I think, Miss Jones, that going out will cause those silly apes to touch you like this.” He pressed the fishnet against her. The alien could feel her clit against his hand. He pressed his thumb against it. "No knickers either Doctor Jones?"

Martha moaned as he rubbed her. “I-I...D-Doctor.”
“That's not all Martha.” He purred darkly in her ear. His free hand undid the clasps on the back of the corset. “They'll picture doing that to you.” Martha whimpered when he ripped the stockings and slid a finger inside her. The Doctor squeezed her breast roughly before leaning down and biting her neck.

Martha felt like her legs would give out if the Doctor kept touching her like that. “I-is that a-all?” She retorted. She knew what she wanted to happen now.

Whether or not she actually had time for it was a different story. Her hands undid the buttons on his brown pinstriped suit jacket. Then
she pulled his shirt from his pants.

He pushed her closer to the mirror. “Nope.” Those dark brown eyes of his drank in the sight of Martha. Before she had been ready to sass him, now she wanted him. “Turn around love, look at yourself.” He pulled his blue tie loose before pulling his fingers from his lover. She whimpered in protest.
Martha had thought she looked like a slag before...but now her nipples were erect and had bite marks around them. The tiny skirt was now bunched up around her waist, showing off her shapely legs covered by stockings. She looked so damn...was there a word to describe how she felt looking at herself?

Then her dark eyes caught sight of her smudged lipstick and the Time Lord behind her.

His white shirt was wide open, showing smooth pale flesh. Those thin pink lips of his had her lipstick smudged on them.
Those eyes of his caught her interest. They were dark and she had a sense of forbidding as his hands touched her. He guided her hands to either side of the mirror. “I want you to see yourself.” Their eyes met in the mirror. “I want you to see how much of a filthy girl you are.” Martha's breathing hitched as he bit her shoulder and squeezed her breasts. "And what happens to girls like you." He teased her nipples before tracing her frame down to the skirt and stockings. “You won't need these anymore.” His fingers slid underneath the skirt and stockings before he pulled both of them down her legs.

She could see him on his knees behind her.

She could see his hands touching her calves.

Her thighs.
She could feel his warm breath on her wet core before his tongue touched her.

Martha knew why she was holding on to the wall. Her knees buckled and she moaned. “D-Doctor.” He dragged his tongue teasingly across her folds before lapping at her. One of his hands touched her inner thigh before his thumb started playing with her clit. "Yes...oooh...fuck yes.” She definitely preferred his mouth when its used on her.
“Do you see yourself?” He asked after pulling his mouth away from her. Martha opened her mouth to reply, instead she moaned after he buried two of his fingers inside her. Martha could hear his belt coming undone and his zipper. Martha looked in the mirror. The Doctor was sitting with his knees tucked underneath him. She could see the Doctor's cock waiting for her-his hand stroking himself in rhythm with the way he fingered her. He pulled his fingers half way out and Martha forced herself on them. “I don't think you're looking at yourself Martha.”

“I-I want you Doctor.” His fingers slid out of her and she didn't bother using the wall to support herself anymore. Martha closed her eyes as she let him fill her from behind. She leaned her head back onto his shoulder, turning her head to bite him. The biting felt good. His sticky fingers rubbed her clit as he waited patiently for her to move.

Martha's phone rang, causing her to pull away from the Doctor's neck. Her eyes wandered from the direction of her phone to her lover. Repositioning her legs, Martha pulled herself up, the tip of his cock still inside of her. Then she forced herself down. It felt good. The Doctor joined her, his slim hips meeting her rhythm as she moaned. Placing his hands on her hips, he held her there.

“Bend over love.” The Doctor's voice couldn't have been thicker with lust. She looked in the mirror. Martha Jones had her knees tucked under her, the Doctor inside her and she would be lying if she said she didn't like that image. Those hands on her hips guided her into a better position as the Doctor rose to his knees. Her face in her hands, Martha tried to muffle her moans. “Martha, you're supposed to be watching.” He chastised as he slammed into her. The Doctor gripped her hair and forced her to watch as he took her.

Martha's body tumbled as she felt herself getting closer to coming. She watched his hips thrust into hers. She gripped carpet beneath her. “Oh fuck, oh fuck...Doctor, I'm going to come.”

He didn't reply as he picked up his pace.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck...”
The Doctor could feel Martha's walls tightening around him. Part of him wanted to drag out her orgasm, but that damn phone wouldn't stop ringing behind them. “Come for me love.”

Martha cried out as he slammed into her.

His name escaped her lips as she came. He thrust right through her climax. His Martha opened her eyes and watched him. Their eyes met in the mirror again. The Doctor watched Martha's expression as he took her. She looked so beautiful as he pleased her, that blissful expression. He grunted when Martha slammed into him-much to his surprise. Releasing her hair, he grabbed her hips with both hands. “Doctor, I want you to come.” She rose to her hands and knees. “Fill me up Doctor.”

Martha kept talking. The nasty things coming out of her mouth, the things she wanted him to do to her. The Doctor closed his eyes as Martha came again. Her name left his lips as he grunted and filled her with his seed. He slid his arms around her slim waist as he sat down again. “That phone is annoying.” He commented as Martha's phone went off again.

Martha chuckled tiredly. “I've got to shower again.” He kissed Martha's neck before sucking on the skin. He could taste the sweat on her. “I don't want to go anymore.”

“Good.” The Doctor replied with a chuckle, “I didn't want you going out dressed like that.”
Martha slid the belt out of his pants. “Hmm, if that's what you plan to do every time I wear something you don't like, I won't ever go anywhere.”
“Oh you'll go places,” The Doctor disagreed with a slight smirk. “Like on your knees.”

Martha laughed before pulling herself from the Doctor and his cock. “I prefer you on yours.”
“I bet.” He watched as Martha played with his belt, she teasingly hit herself. The Doctor gulped and tried to ignore the fact blood was rushing south...again. “A-aren't you going to answer the phone?”

Martha smirked at him. “Weren't you supposed to be taking me places instead?”


Hoshi: My mind is a terrible, dark, filthy place. :3 I asked Sheena...”how the hell could I have come up with some filthy?”

Sheena: “Who Porn...Who Porn hell is the answer to everything.”

doctor/martha, martha jones, fan fiction, lemon, dw, ten/martha, doctor who, smut

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