Heard This Song Before

Jul 12, 2011 00:44

Title: Heard This Song Before
Rating: R
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Hetfic
Pairing: Dean/Jo
Warning: Spoilery, sort of, for 2.2 "Everyone Loves a Clown", 2.6 "No Exit" and 5.10 "Abandon All Hope". Cussing. Character death.
Wordcount: 1095
A/N: Written to fill "abandonment issues" on the hoodie_time Prompt Challenge, also fills "confession in desperate situation" ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, fic, h/c bingo, dean

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Comments 39

purple_carpets July 12 2011, 07:58:36 UTC
Ah, how I love the Dean/Jo ship that never was. Doesn't get enough love in this fanndom if you ask me.

This is totally believable and flows into all the gaps left open by canon. I'm kind of in love with the Styx song simile. I want to draw hearts around it. And the Mary memory is so spot-on. Dean totally avoids blondes. Well, not avoids, but he definitely prefers brunettes (no, I'm not just saying that because I have curly brown hair. It's there in the show! Shut up!)

Seriously, I am giving you an inferiority complex? Really? *laughs*


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 13:24:54 UTC
I was surprised when I came to fandom and found out people didn't ship Dean/Jo. I totally ship it. Dude, she took the gun back and punched him in the face. That's meant to be, that is. AND she saved his life. I went to the Het comm but there's, like, three Dean/Jo fics. Color me astonished.

Brandy and I sang 'Renegade' in karaoke. *glee* I heart Styx, and I love that you got the reference.

It IS there in the show. He likes blondes but he tends to run like hell from them (my theory: it's a Mommy thing). He may like blondes, but he chases brunettes. And I've just dyed my hair brown, so I'm going to get teased when Brandy sees this thread.


purple_carpets July 12 2011, 14:37:24 UTC
Well, my theory is that even people who do ship them tend do do so quietly because a huge junk of the fandom is made up of militant wincest fans and for some reason I never quite got hating on Jo is the cool thing to do *shrugs*
I'm not saying they were made for each other and I'm not even complaining about the way show handled their non-relationship, I just think it's stupid to ignore what was between them simply because you think the idea of Dean being with a girl is icky.

Oh, it's totally a Mommy thing. Everything's a Mommy thing with Dean and I get the feeling tall blonde girls scare the shit out of him.


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 14:54:15 UTC
Eh. I'll never be popular because I don't write hot slash smut, but if I cared about popular at my age I'd be a very sad example indeed.

I like my quiet little corner of the fandom. It's slow, but the crazy drama all seems to happen elsewhere, and we have fun.

Everything's a Mommy thing with Dean...
Isn't it just.


borgmama1of5 July 12 2011, 08:53:51 UTC

And heartbreaking!


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 13:27:15 UTC
Thank youuuu! I was hoping this was evocative and sad, good to hear it turned out as hoped!


geckoholic July 12 2011, 12:54:01 UTC
This is so plausible and possible, and therefore SO SAD. Man, yeah, they missed their chances, but who can blame them? *sighs*


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 13:32:23 UTC
I wanted to use the scene from "Born Under a Bad Sign" where Jo digs the bullet out of Dean's shoulder, and they bitch at each other and give smouldering looks, and then Dean says he'll call her. Jo waits until he leaves to say, "No, you won't." THAT? GREAT SCENE. But there wasn't much of a crack to slip a crowbar into the canon and wedge some of my own bits in.

I'm so glad you found it plausible! Sometimes I feel off in my corner, all alone and lonesome, shipping Dean with girls from the show.

Thank you for the lovely comment!


geckoholic July 12 2011, 13:40:32 UTC
Sometimes I feel off in my corner, all alone and lonesome, shipping Dean with girls from the show.
You're so not alone with that. ;)


laurie_bug July 13 2011, 23:02:25 UTC
Ditto!!! I've never gotten the fascination with slash in the first place -- but with his *brother*?!! Or his father? Just, no.

Jo was adorable. I totally would've bought them as a couple, but the writers would've cocked it up, somehow.

And don't get me started on Dean/Ellen....yum!


rince1wind July 12 2011, 13:13:48 UTC
Ah, shit. This about covered it. Succinct and piercing.


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 13:37:20 UTC
I love me some Harvelles. Jo and Ellen are awesome. You should have seen my face when, after cheering on Dean/Jo through three seasons, they get their first kiss as she's dying.



I think this is the first time anyone ever called me 'succinct'. this makes me feel warm fuzzies.

Thank you! (How's the con going?)


rince1wind July 12 2011, 13:58:41 UTC
I know! I was crying! Jo and Ellen were such good characters, and Jo and Dean seemed made for each other. And Ellen so should have got together with Bobby. Gah. You depicted this here so well. And so succinctly.

The con's over and we're back home now. It was great; it was probably also the last time Pratchett's going to make it over to this continent. He looked completely exhausted yesterday. It must be absolutely sapping - I'm beat and I all I did was attend. The time he and Neil Gaiman spent talking together was really something. It's remarkable they can do that in front of an audience!


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 14:24:35 UTC
Clearly, we are of one mind when it comes to shipping. (I totes ship Bobby/Ellen. Harvelle women heal EVERYTHING.)

I think Gaiman lives here? Or something. I remember some kerfluffle about him and Wisconsin. Still, I do not envy Pratchett his long flight home. Now I'm going to have to see if they've got some of that panel up on youtube yet. You're so lucky to see it in person!


vikingprincess July 12 2011, 14:36:39 UTC
This is really well-done. Poignant, and perfect.


icanhazpie July 12 2011, 14:55:11 UTC
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it.


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