Title: Slumber
icalynn Pairing: Mohinder/Gabriel, hint of Mohinder/Peter
Word Count: 622
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Gabriel and Mohinder are sleeping and they have an unexpected visitor.
A/N: For
eridanie who wanted something fluffy to cheer her up, so I hope this works! *hugs* A quick one-shot, not beat'd. Enjoy!
Slumber )
Comments 10
*takes a deep breath* ok, wow. that was so freakin wonderful. haha i love nightmare!peter! that was so cute! and that he just crawls into bed with them! i love you so much lol.
mmm thank you for having them have sex right there next to him. this was so awesome :D
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I get the feeling that Momo's not a morning person and that Sylar has no troube getting up. Probably cause of his timekeeping.
And I think Sylar has an internal clock, so he wakes up at a certain time and he's ready to go... but, if someone would wake him up before that he would be grumpy!! *g*
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And exactly....lol, actually this is the second fic I started for you, my first one ended up all emo like so, I ditched it and started this one! *g*
Peter!muse was being all demanding, cause he couldn't sleep and when he did he had nightmares, so as soon as he was taken into Mohinder's arms he finally just relaxed and slept....and I thought he was going to join in too!!
Silly boys!
I love it; especially that last image. So adorable.
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cheers, this was awesome! <3
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