My programming wants me to KILL KILL KILL KILL. X... were you able to overcome your destiny? You're still the strongest person I've ever met even stronger than Vile. But if even you can't defy fate, then... what hope do I have, someone who's been defeated and killed before. By you.
Heh? Me? Strong? I break down so very easily... I consider myself to be pretty weak.
I make my own fate. My own destiny. I simply follow the guidelines embedded into me, the ones you chose not to follow when you became a maverick. or that you simply don't have... It's all about choices... if there's reploids who turn maverick, then there's a chance you...
X... you don't understand yet? I've always been a Maverick. Stupid humans would call Sigma my father! He is my creator. He taught me everything I knew about you, X. He instilled hate, revulsion, and yet enough wonderment and admiration that -- even if my fanboy tendencies were acting (I was awfully cute though, right? Hee hee hee.) I still know that to defeat all that you had ... is amazing.
You can change. I know you can. You just have to want to change yourself, because I'm not going to be the one that changes you. That would be impossible.
(god damn it, you were so sweet all the time...)
...Let's go eat that banana split then? As long as you promise that you won't tear one of my limbs off.
My programming wants me to KILL KILL KILL KILL. X... were you able to overcome your destiny? You're still the strongest person I've ever met even stronger than Vile. But if even you can't defy fate, then... what hope do I have, someone who's been defeated and killed before. By you.
I make my own fate. My own destiny. I simply follow the guidelines embedded into me, the ones you chose not to follow when you became a maverick. or that you simply don't have... It's all about choices... if there's reploids who turn maverick, then there's a chance you...
You should choose your own fate, Double.
You just have the faults of humans, that's all.
You can change. I know you can. You just have to want to change yourself, because I'm not going to be the one that changes you. That would be impossible.
(god damn it, you were so sweet all the time...)
...Let's go eat that banana split then? As long as you promise that you won't tear one of my limbs off.
Reply i want to know why?
Hee hee hee...!
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