Have a Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2011 16:02

★ POST #30 ★
☑ Start a thread with either a topic, an RP or your character journal. You can do this anon or logged in.
☑ Respond ICly using your character journal or anon. Reply as if your character is participating. None of that my mun/your mun/etc. should be there.
☑ NO PERSONAL JOURNALS ALLOWED. If it's spotted, it'll get deleted. No if's, and's ( Read more... )

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ROUTE_29 anonymous November 1 2011, 09:02:19 UTC
PEOPLE WE LOVE anonymous November 1 2011, 09:03:27 UTC
PEOPLE WE... DISLIKE STRONGLY anonymous November 1 2011, 09:04:11 UTC
PEOPLE WE MISS anonymous November 1 2011, 09:04:33 UTC
WHO DO YOU SHIP? anonymous November 1 2011, 09:05:09 UTC
CONFESSIONS anonymous November 1 2011, 09:05:48 UTC
anonymous November 1 2011, 17:57:43 UTC
I don't know who I am or what I really want anymore, and it scares me.


WHO - OR WHAT - DO YOU MISS FROM HOME? anonymous November 1 2011, 09:25:37 UTC
anonymous November 1 2011, 09:34:48 UTC
As crazy as it sounds, I miss him. He's an idiot, true.... But I miss him all the same.


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