I was going to post about my experience at the Hoover Institute Archives, but once again the right wing of American politics has boiled my blood.
Rally to support Iraq war draws hundreds“The group who spoke here the other day [anti-war protesters] did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world,” Sen.
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Comments 2
Saddam had nothing to do with the Taliban/Al Quaeda. Get over it. The reasons for going to war were a crock of shit. Now that we're there, though, we need to help the Iraqi's get their government going strongly. I don't think that means that we should fight all of their battles for them, however. All this does is perpetuate the reliance of the Iraqi people on American troops.
My values fall in line with those of my ancestors who first came to America in 1619 and fought in plenty of wars, while others of them protested wars (on religious grounds).
Regardless of whether or not they supported wars, all have been skeptical of government because of their past of having to escape from England from tryanny and religious oppression.
I guess when you're a southerner coming from a family of slave owners and people who stood against civil rights instead of people fighting against slavery and fighting for civil rights, I suppose your perspectives are going to be different.
Frankly, I think Sen. Sessions is more of a threat to this nation than Saddam Hussein ever was.
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