Title: Pomp and Circumstance [Chapter 8/11]
iarmella Pairing: YabuNoo
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: You know what.
Summary: Yabu Kota and Inoo Kei were born to be friends, fated to be enemies, and destined to be lovers. (Shoot me)
Author's Note: requested by
keiyuu_ruka Chapters --
Things became impossible afterwards. )
Comments 4
He never managed to make him stay, he never managed to make him feel the warmth he really deserves.>>>> Totally love this line.
I really hope this has a happy ending.
everyone bricks me for being a pervert but who cares? LOL
off to next part, hoping that nothing will turn out bad >.<
i like this chap >.
so hot♥
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