Title: Sea of Love - Chapter 8
Author: iantosdreamer46
Genre: AU
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Tommy, Owen, Martha Jones
Summary: Jack is the Foreman at a shipyard in Belfast. They are building what is rumoured to be the biggest and best cruise liner of all time - The Titanic. Ianto arrives at the shipyard having left Cardiff quickly to get
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Comments 14
I feel so sorry for Ianto and Jack (and Martha) having to act out this charade, just to stop any gossip about them starting up. It must be very hard to act that way, never mind the fact that it must be difficult for Jack, especially, to see Ianto with someone else, behaving so relaxed with them out in public- something he and Ianto can never do...
I'm getting rather worried about the boys' Titanic trip, though. I fear it's not going to be the easy trip that they think it will be! Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
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