Title: A Baa-d Idea
iantojjackh and
timelordshines (another collaboration)
Characters: Ianto and Owen
Rating: PG for Owen language
Spoilers: Countrycide
Warnings: Owen's mouth
Disclaimer: Not ours, we are just borrowing for a short stint
Notes: written for
tw100 challenge 293: Going Green. Can't say this is a Cardiff adventure since we have left the city and are in the Welsh countryside for this one
A Baa-d Idea
Owen started to complain the moment the green started to appear. "Why are we headed to the bloody countryside again?"
"Because a hundred sheep turned inside out is not normal." Ianto spoke to Owen as if he was a petulant child, which he was.
"I don't want to become some sick fuck's next meal!"
"Oh, please. You weren't the one with a cleaver against your neck." Ianto said with a dramatic eye roll. "Is little Owen scared of a few dead sheep?"
"I'm not scared, but I'm not Welsh so I don't love them either."
"We don't all love sheep."