Title: Stranger in the Night 3/5
Iantojjackh Spoilers: Everything up to Exit Wounds. Set several years post s2 where CoE and MD don't exist.
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Past Ianto/Lisa, Gwen
Warnings: Some darkish themes in later chapters
czarina-kittyRating: PG
Summary: Someone shows up suddenly and unexpectedly in Cardiff one rainy night. Why has she
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Comments 21
Still not keen on Lisa, she seems unwilling to believe anything good about Jack or Torchwood Three, preferring to believe the sordid stories that she was told about them rather than what she can see. She also seems somewhat narrow-minded. Guess we're not seeing her in the best light.
I hope Ianto won't even consider throwing away everything he has with Jack on a Lisa he can't keep. She HAS to be sent back to the past and retconned, too much harm could be done to the timelines otherwise.
I know I'm cruel to them sometimes, but I love them to bits.
Lisa is in a hard spot too. She's been fighting with her Ianto and then she has a gun in her face.
Ianto is conflicted because of the lack of closure. Hopefully he will be able to get some.
Lisa is kind of getting on my nerves, but I guess if I were in her shoes, and found myself six years ahead in time and my partner married to someone we were taught to despise, I might not be very charming and diplomatic either.
You just have to wait until tomorrow to see what it does to Ianto. It's a bit of a roller coaster from here on out.
And she has yet to see Ianto and thinks they have brainwashed him.
I do not like this Lisa, but she probably fits with a TW1!Ianto.
I am happy to see a strong loyal Gwen by their sides.
Thank you for the daily posting
It was a tough balance writing Lisa here. She's in a tight spot that she doesn't know what todo and she's scared and alone.
It's only he three of them now and has to make sure nothing comes between them.
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