Dada and Mama

May 07, 2013 21:47

Title: Dada and Mama
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: G
Summary: Ianto and Owen as parents? Oh, my!
Characters: Ianto, Owen and a baby.
Notes: written for tw100 challenge 282: parents.

Dada and Mama

When the rift alert sounded everyone expected trouble, but it was the exact opposite. At first no one could locate the origin of the alert and just as the team was about call it a night, Owen heard a tiny cry and went to investigate.

What Owen found startled the medic at first and he picked the small wrapped bundle from a metal basket.

"Dada?" A small red, scaly hand wrapped itself around Owen's little finger.

Owen nearly choked as the newborn blowfish claimed him as its father.

"Mama?" The fragile creature reached for the next person it saw: Ianto.

humor, ianto, tw100, drabble, crack, owen

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