A little more than a drabble

Apr 05, 2013 14:39

Because jo02 said I should write this drabble...here it is, slightly longer than 100 words. Be fore warned for kind of cracky themes.

Ianto and the Bunny Slippers

The slippers made a boing sound with every step and thus made Ianto wince with each step he took.  The Welshman cursed the bet he made and subsequently lost with Owen and the loser had to spend the afternoon wearing the tacky bright pink bunny slippers that came with their own soundtrack.

Ianto kicked off the hideous foot ornaments as he stood at the coffee machine, making the afternoon round of drinks while the rest of the team was in the conference room...or so he thought. He felt the zipper of his trousers being slid down and then a furry ear poke into the opening.

"Boing boing!" Came the laugh from under the table.

"Jack!" Ianto half groaned- half moaned.

insanity, ianto, jack, drabble, crack

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