The Not So Proper Tea-boy

Dec 22, 2012 21:09

Title: The Not So Proper Tea-boy
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Gwen finds something out about the prim and proper tea-boy 
Characters: Gwen, Ianto and Jack
Spoilers: Takes places early S1, right after Gwen joins Torchwood
Warnings: Might be some mild Gwen Bashing
Notes:  Written for comment_fic prompt: male character who always wears suits and is very "proper," … is revealed to have...

The Not So Proper Tea-boy

Gwen was still getting used to life in Torchwood as the days closed on her second week. She was starting to get a feel for her new coworkers. There was Owen, the cranky sarcastic medic who she thought could be half Grinch with a heart three sizes too small. Next was Tosh who always had he nose buried deep in technology, making Gwen wonder if she ever had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. She wasn't one to hold that against some one. Then there was Jack, the one fantasies were made out of and who was always flirting with her. Flirting with her...and the last member of the team. The quiet and mysterious Ianto Jones, who always rebuffed and scolded Jack for his advances.

Every day Gwen noticed Ianto wore a perfectly tailored suit and never had a hair out of place. He also had a gift to know what his colleagues needed before they knew they needed it, be it coffee or a biscuit or anything really. Gwen wondered if he learned his tricks in butler school, if there was such a thing. It bugged her that Ianto rarely talked and was always so formal when he did. She guessed that was what a butler was supposed to do and was shocked when Tosh mentioned that Ianto was only twenty-three years old. Sure, he had a baby face but the suits and the way he carried himself made the Welshman seem much older.

If dictionaries had pictures, Gwen was sure Ianto's picture would next to the word proper. Which is why when Gwen was shocked when she walked in on Ianto coming out of the shower wearing only a towel around his waist and saw he had both nipples pierced.

"Do you need something, Gwen?" Ianto slowly towelled his hair dry and acted if nothing was wrong.

Gwen found it hard to string coherent words together and he eyes could not leave the toned chest that was well hidden under the pristine suits. "Umm...shower," she mumbled, ducking her head but not before taking in one last looking at the pierced nipples.

An hour later Gwen found herself in Jack's office, her mind still trying to absorb what she had seen in the showers.

"Is everything alright PC Cooper?" Jack noticed his latest charge's flushed appearance.

Gwen leaned in close just in case anyone else was near, "Did you know Ianto has his nipples pierced?"

Jack sat back in his chair and gave a hearty laugh, "That's not all he has pierced." Jack licked his lips as he thought of the other piercing that the mostly quiet archivist had.

ianto, jack, comment_fic, gwen

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