Title: You Don't Need Eyes to Feel
iantojjackhRating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Summary: Temporarily blinded, Ianto realizes his other senses are heightened while Jack tries to comfort in a way he knows best
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Smut, slightly PWP.
Notes: Written for loss of vision at
hc_bingo (2nd Card). It's been a while since
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Comments 23
A new sensitivity seems to be the silver lining of this accident. I agree that everything will always be okay as long as they're together! <3<3
Sexy and sweet--love it!
Jack is a master of distraction and plus Owen said it was temporary. Still scary though. I think Jack's worry was amplifying his pheromones and in turn help Ianto think on other things.
Lol imagine if Owen had to play nursemaid.
I'm glad you've enjoyed what you read. Ianto probably would have been scared out of his wits if he didn't have someone he trusted completely to help him.
I like the way Jack encourages Ianto to explore what he can find out by using his other senses, making Ianto mare aware, and I love that Jack's worried but trying not to show it, yet Ianto can tell anyway.
Tender, teasing smut!
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