Title: One Last Secret
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Ianto had one last secret from his life in London and it's about to be blown wide open
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Martha, Francine Jones, Female OC
Word Count: ~3.8K
Beta: None. Flew solo on this one
Notes: Next one shot belong the Long Days and Nights of Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
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Comments 31
I'm glad Jack decided to be the bigger person and not make a big deal out of this! As a man who has so many secrets himself I hoped he would be--but then again, anything to do with *that* secret is bound to be a touchy subject, especially when he finds out there's more of it.
Poor Ianto. Tragedy after tragedy struck in such a short amount of time; he's just trying to muddle through and put it behind him, and it backfires in the most unlikely ways.
I'm glad they worked it out in the end. Great job! :)
I think because Jack knows how dark those days were for Ianto and he was the one who helped him through it, Jack knew that making a big deal would only cause more problems. So he asked the questions no one asked before; who was the Lisa, Ianto knew and loved. I couldn't help but tie it into my One Small Spark story.
Poor Ianto needed to be hugged during that time.
Thanks. At least they aren't mad at each other for Ianto's birthday!
It was hard, but once Jack had some time alone to think he got his head back on straight.
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