A New Olympic Sport

Jul 30, 2012 20:25

Title: A New Olympic Sport
Author: iantojjackh
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack has an idea for a new Olympic event and Ianto has an easy solution
Spoilers: None
Notes: Written for tw100Challenge 245: Olympics

A New Olympic Sport

"No, Jack. I don't think they'd go for that." Ianto sighed, rolling his eyes at his sexy but sometimes immature lover.

"Naked hide and seek should be an Olympic event." Jack countered, refusing to give up. "Spoilsport." Immaturity won out when Jack stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. "In ancient Greece they used to compete naked. I say bring back the old times."

"If you are set on having millions of people seeing you starkers, I suggest streaking one of the football games at the stadium. I think a match starts in an hour."

"Is that a dare?"

humor, ianto, tw100, jack, torchwood

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