Title: The Man Behind the Suit (2/2)
iantojjackhSummary: Set a week after Countrycide, Jack finally has a long overdue talk with Ianto to clear the air
Rating: M - It's Jack and Ianto, what else is expected of them
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto
Total Word Count: ~6k
Warnings: Angst, past childhood trauma
Spoilers: Cyberwoman & Countrycide
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Comments 20
Yes it's evil, but I wanted to leave it at a canon ending for series 1. Jack really did not plan on leaving for long. It really is the doctors fault for trying to run from Jack instead of staying and talking.
any chance for a chapter 3?
Lol when I wrote this last year I started on a sequel but never finished it. After I finish my Big Bang it will be back on my plate to finish it. And it goes way AU for series 2.
I wanted to write something that could have conceivably have happened behind the scenes which included Jack still having to leave with the doctor.
Great work.
I wanted to keep this as canon compliant as possible which included Jack leaving.
I like that they were confiding in each other, they both really needed someone to talk to.
Poor Ianto. Yes, Jack def sees leaving as a big mistake. I like to think that is how they bonded, by talking. The both of them have been through some horrific things and having each other made it easier until Jack left.
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