(no subject)

Dec 28, 2011 14:12

Title:  Saving Grace
Author: Megan aka ianplanet  
Pairing:  Danny Kurily/Alex Grieco
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer: don't own these boys, title and cut goes to the maine
A/N: hey i have a tumblr

Danny’s eyes snapped open at the sound of rustling sheets, his hand going under his pillow to grip the small pistol that always lay there. He clicked the safety off and pulled it out pointing it directly between the stranger’s eyes. The man’s eyes went wide as he slowly raised his hands in surrender. Danny stared at the man, the expression on his face not changing.

“Who are you and why are you here?” Danny spoke, a fierce edge to his voice. The man swallowed lightly and pointed to his chest where a small embroidered crest lay. Danny read it and lowered his gun; the man let out a small breath and dropped his hands, eyes still on Danny.

“My name is Private Grieco. They just moved me out here.” Danny was still staring at the boy, but then he just gave one nod, laid back down and went back to bed. The man, Grieco, stared in confusion for few more moments, before deciding sleep would be a good idea. He slipped into the bottom bunk. Slowly he felt the sleep overtake him, his nerves about his new base camp slipping away as he fell into a dreamless sleep.


When Danny woke up he didn’t waste any time. He slipped out of bed and landed on the ground easily. Ignoring the new Private, he quickly slipped out of his clothes and into new, clean ones. His mandatory attire of green cargo pants, cargo jacket and a black wife beater covered his body and he grabbed his gun and hat. He slipped out of the door, not bothering to wake the new guy.

He would learn his place soon enough.

Danny stepped out into the bright light, 6 other tents exactly like his spread out beside each other. He walked the two minutes to the dining tent. Grabbing coffee and an apple he sat down, waiting for his fellow base member’s to arrive. Not even 5 minutes later, feet were heard coming towards the tent. Danny glanced up as he saw about 4 people walk in at the same time.

“Danny!” Ignoring his name, Danny continued to eat in peace, until those 4 people all sat around him.

“Heard you got a new roommate, what’s he like?” Danny ignored Private Gaskarth, Alex, and stared at his coffee.

“Matt! Did you see Danny’s new roommate yet?” Alex yelled to the other man who had just walked into the dining tent, Private Dawson and Barakat following after him. Private Flyzik grinned and shook his head. He came up and stood behind Danny, hands resting on his shoulders as he leaned down to whisper in his ear.

“New roommate huh?” He whispered, breath fanning across Danny’s neck. Danny suppressed the shiver he felt, choosing to ignore Matt’s taunting once again.

“Hey, there he is.” Danny couldn’t help but look up, eyes settling on the man who had just walked into the tent. Danny looked at him finally, since last night he didn’t bother really looking at him. Just made sure he wasn’t a threat.

But today he looked. He wasn’t tall, but wasn’t short, about the same height as Private Dawson. He had short brown hair, shaved, like everyone else at the base. His tan skin made his dark eyes look even darker. He was attractive, Danny wouldn’t deny that, but he wouldn’t admit it out loud either.

“Hey! New guy! Over here!” Danny’s eyes snapped back to his coffee as Private Barakat yelled over to Private Grieco. Out of the corner of his eye Danny saw him take a seat right across from him, eyes glancing at him then moving over to Alex, who was asking him questions like it was his job.

“What’s your name?” Alex asked, eyes glancing at Grieco then over to Private Barakat, sending him a wink.

“Grieco. Alex Grieco.” Grieco said, his voice cracking slightly when he noticed all the eyes on him. He looked at Danny again, who just ignored the other man.

“Hey, my names Alex too!” Alex said with a smile, Grieco gave a small smile in return.

“Just call me Grieco, it’s what everyone at my old base called me.” He said, his voice losing its shy tone, taking on a more comfortable one.

“Well I’m Alex, that’s my roommate Private Jack Barakat.” Alex said, he looked at Jack again and winked. Danny rolled his eyes; he didn’t see the point in relationships out here. They were in the military, at war. Friends and relationships were a waste of time when you could lose someone at any moment.

“I’m Private Matt Flyzik, my roommate is Private Ian Planet.” Matt said pointing at a busy haired guy who was talking with one of the cooks at the other end of the tent.

“I’m Private Rian Dawson, this is Private Zack Merrick, my roomie.” Rian said, patting Zack on the shoulder. Danny could see Zack blush lightly. He swears everyone on his base was gay.

“Our Sergeant Officer is Jeff Maker, he shares a tent with his second in command Private Matt Colussy. They should be in here soon, to tell us what we are up to this week.” Alex told Grieco. Grieco nodded, eyes casting over Danny once more before they snapped towards the entrance of the tent.

“And that’s Private Evan Kirkendall and his roommate Private Dan Nickleski.” Alex finished, the two men came and sat with the rest of them, all 10 of them making up this base camp, which was positioned just outside of a small city in Afghanistan.

They were there to make sure nothing suspicious got in or out of the city, it being known for making and selling many big time weapons people have used against the Americans in this ongoing war. It wasn’t a dangerous placing, Danny thought, the new Private should be fine.

Unless they got attacked, then, well Danny hoped that wouldn’t happen.

“Attention!” Every people stopped what they were doing and stood at the sound of Private Colussy’s voice, Sargent Maker making his way into the tent right after. After everyone did the mandatory salutation, the all sat down waiting to hear what Sargent Maker had to say.

“This is a training week, ladies. Meaning you’ll be doing nothing all week. I got a call from the main base, we were told to lay low. No suspicious activity has been going on recently, so they don’t want to jinx it by barging in there and asking questions.” Everyone gave little sounds of happiness, being excited to take a break. It’s not often you get one of those out here.

“This gives us time to welcome our newest family member, Private Grieco. I hope you get along with everyone okay, and I hope that you’ll take care of him, Private.” Sargent Maker made a point of looking at Danny when he said this. Danny nodded briefly, not really excited for being the new guy’s babysitter.

“Now I want everyone to get at least an hour of training done today, and then do as you wish. i believe the phones should be working today, sky’s clear some service should happen.”

“Let’s get drunk!” Jack yelled, the other men cheered as Sargent Maker stood up to leave, motioning for Danny to follow him. Danny got up and followed him out of the room, ignoring the eyes on his back as he left.


Grieco turned towards Alex as soon as Danny was gone, having to practically rip his eyes from the other man’s ass. He saw Alex smirking at him and raised an eyebrow.

“Trust me; it’s not worth the effort.” Was the first thing Alex said, Grieco gave him a confused look motioning for Alex to explain.

“Private Daniel Kurily, has been in the army since he was 18. Lost his mother and father in a car accident when he was 10, doesn’t really have any emotions, horrible friend but amazing work partner. Trust me when I say that you can bet you’ll definitely stay alive being roomed with him, but you’ll drive yourself crazy if you think you two can be anything more than roommates.” Alex rambled on. Grieco looked at him eyes wide.

“I didn’t plan on -“Alex rolled his eyes at that. “I saw you staring at him, sweetheart. And trust me when I say this, I’ve known Danny for about 3 years now and I’ve never seen him let anyone in. Matt over there has been trying for almost a year and I think the most he’s gotten is some pity sex.” Grieco’s eyes snapped over to Matt, who was too busy playing with Ian’s hair to notice him and Alex talking about him.

“So he is gay?” Grieco said. Alex just laughed.

“I see you’re not one to take no for an answer either. Damn, I wish I was Danny, having two hot guys who are both willing to have sex with me at any time.” Alex said with another laugh, Grieco blushed.

“Excuse me, Alex, but you already have one extremely hot guy who is willing to have sex with you at any time.” Grieco and Alex both looked behind them, seeing Jack standing there a smirk on his face. Grieco saw Alex grin.

“Like now for example?” He said with a devious smile. Jack raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe.” Was all he said, turning around and walking out of the tent. Alex was up and out of the tent in a blink of an eye. Danny walked back in right after, shaking his head. He walked over to Grieco and stood in front of him.

“Come on.” Was all he said and turned around, heading back out of the tent. Grieco stood up and followed him out, eyes once again going to his ass. He couldn’t help it, he just had a really nice ass. Grieco removed his eyes though, Alex’s words ringing in his ears. It wasn’t worth it, Grieco thought.

No, pity sex with Danny Kurily was not worth it.

Okay, maybe it was kinda worth it.


Danny ignored Grieco as he ran around the base camp, not caring if the man was falling behind. He should be in shape and keep up with Danny, if he couldn’t even run fast enough for that how did he ever expect to out run the enemy.

Ten laps later, Danny stopped. He found himself back in his tent, gulping down a bottle full of water. He was dripping sweat, his black wife beater and plain basketball shorts hanging loosely on his body. He heard the tent flap open the close, the sound of someone panting being heard. Danny turned around and couldn’t help the fact that his eye’s went straight to the bare chest in front of him.

Grieco stood there, ignoring Danny, his own water bottle in his hand. He took the lid off and placed the bottle to his lips letting the clear liquid into his mouth. Some drops fell from his mouth and down his bare, sun kissed chest. Danny watched one droplet run from his collar bones down the center of his toned chest, disappearing when it met the band of his boxers.

“How do you run so fast.” Danny’s eye’s snapped back up, the lightest of blushes covering his cheeks. He ignored Grieco’s question and turned his back to the man, grabbing a change of clothes. He heard Grieco sigh then felt himself being turned around, Grieco’s hand on his shoulder. Danny raised an eyebrow at his almost angry expression.

“Look, I don’t give a shit if you don’t like me, but I will not let you straight up ignore me. We’re roommates and partners so get the fuck used to it.” Grieco hissed out, eyes full of rage. Danny had to bite his tongue, the words ‘fuck me’ on his lips. He didn’t think someone could look so attractive when they were so pissed off.

He shook his head trying to get those thoughts out of his head. ‘No’ he told himself, ‘You’re not getting attached to anyone.’ He looked at Grieco and rolled his eyes, ignoring him once again and turned around. He lifted his shirt up and over his head, not caring that the other man was standing right in front of him.

Grieco’s eyes couldn’t help themselves as they moved over every inch of Danny’s exposed back, the muscles in his shoulders and lower back flexing as Danny lifted the shirt up and over his head. Grieco could feel his dick hardening in his shorts. He took a step closer to Danny, close enough that the older man could feel Grieco’s breath on his neck.

Danny didn’t turn around, confused as to why the other man was this close to him, but he felt his back stiffen when Grieco’s hands ghosted over his shoulders and down to his hips, finally settling there. Danny’s eyes shut briefly at the contact, small shivers going through his body as Grieco’s lips made their way to Danny’s neck, just below his ear.

“Now, Daniel.” He breathed, Danny’s head turned towards his slightly, baring his neck. “You’re going to let me blow you, then you’re going to fuck me till I see stars. Deal?” He practically growled out, lips brushing Danny’s neck with each word. Danny felt himself growing hard in his own pants against his better wishes.

Turning around quickly, Danny grabbed Grieco by the neck and attached their mouths, tongue pushing past his lips to explore the younger mans mouth. They both were groaning at the contact, it having been way to long since Grieco had been laid, and Danny hasn’t had sex since that one time him and Matt drunkenly fucked, it was a mistake, that Matt will never let go.

Danny easily took over, his air of dominance really shinning as his mouth left Grieco’s and moved down to his neck, biting the skin lightly before soothing it with his tongue. His hands wandered down his chest, pinching his nipples on the way down, earning a moan from Grieco, who’s own hands were placed on Danny’s hips slowly pushing Danny’s shorts down.

Danny ignored Grieco’s movement's, moving his mouth down to his collarbones, biting and sucking at every inch of exposed skin. His hands went to Grieco’s shoulders as he slowly pushed his body down, hinting at what he wanted. Grieco didn’t hesitate as he sunk to his knees, pulling Danny’s shorts down the rest of the way he gripped his clothed dick.

The groan that fell from Danny’s lips was enough encouragement, he pulled his briefs down and didn’t waste anytime placing his mouth over the head of Danny’s dick, sucking lightly as his tongue swirled around the tip. Danny had to try his hardest not to let his knees buckle. Fuck, Grieco was good at this.

Soon Grieco’s lips were stretched out around the base of Danny’s dick, the tip touching the back of his mouth, practically down his throat, but he didn’t care. He just continued to bob up and down Danny’s dick, his own dick growing harder and harder at the noises that were falling from Danny’s lips.

Grieco pulled off with an audible ‘pop’ as Danny tugged him upwards, attaching theirs lips together again. He pulled away for air and quickly walked them backwards, making sure to help Grieco out of his pants and boxers before pushing him down on the bed. Danny let his own body fall on top of Grieco’s lightly, leg slipping between both of his. Their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, as they slowly moved with one another.

The small amount of friction they were creating wasn’t enough, so Danny easily slid his hand downwards, stopping at Grieco’s entrance. Teasing him, he waited for the younger mans permission before slipping a finger inside of him. Grieco barely felt the finger, his mind too busy focusing on Danny’s lips which were against his own.

It wasn’t until he slipped a second finger inside of him that he felt something, it wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t like it hurt so much that he wanted it to stop. It was just uncomfortable, but he knew it would be worth it in the end. Danny did his best to distract the other man from the discomfort, his hand that wasn’t being used quickly wrapped itself around Grieco’s dick, earning a moan from the younger man.

Danny smirked and added another finger, quickly stretching him. It wasn’t till he was about to pull his fingers out that Grieco gasped and pushed back against his hand.

“Fuck, right there.” He hissed out in pleasure. Danny grinned and thrusted his fingers upwards again, hitting that small bundle of nerves right on. Grieco’s moan was enough for Danny to almost come, so he quickly removed his fingers and lined his dick up with Grieco’s entrance.

His eyes locked with Grieco’s as he pushed in slowly, not stopping till he was all the way in. Danny groaned at the pleasure, Grieco was tight. He waited until Grieco nodded, then pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in. Grieco’s eyes practically rolled into the back of his head as Danny hit that spot right on.

They both kept up with the fast thrusts, the years of constantly running and moving doing some good for their stamina. Danny watched as Grieco let his hand grab himself, and jerk himself off in time with Danny’s thrusts. Soon Grieco was seeing stars as he came, Danny’s name on his lips as Danny leaned down to kiss him. His own orgasm hit him only a few thrusts after, Grieco’s name falling from his lips as he came inside the other man.

Danny slowly pulled out and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to get his breathing under control. Grieco sat there, arm thrown over his eyes as his chest moved up and down rapidly. Danny’s eyes wandered over the man’s body, taking in his sex hair at come covered stomach.

Danny wanted to commit this sight to his memory forever.

“You know. This really shouldn’t be a one time thing.” Grieco mumbled, arm still covering his face. Danny’s eyes snapped up to Grieco’s face, eyebrow raised. He didn’t say anything just leaned over to the other mans face and pressed his lips against his. Grieco responded immediately, hands wrapping around Danny’s neck.

Danny pulled away and just nodded; Grieco couldn’t help the smirk that fell onto his face.

“Like... Now for example?” He mumbled, eyes going downward towards Danny’s already slightly hard again dick.

Danny grinned then, attaching his lips to Grieco’s once more.

rating: nc-17, pairing: danny kurily/alex grieco

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