(no subject)

Dec 23, 2011 08:21

Title:  Let The Walls Come Down [5/5]
Author: Megan aka ianplanet  
Pairing:  Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own these boys. title goes too The Summer Set cut to Parachute
Warning: Contains abuse/bulimia.
A/N: last chapter, note at bottom


Graduation was just around the corner. Five months together and Jack and Alex were as happy as ever. Alex was a healthy weight, Jack was getting hit less and less each passing week. Things were going perfectly.

Tonight, Jack decided, was going to be the night he told Alex he loved him. He didn’t care that they were just having a movie night together at Alex’s house. He didn’t care if the boy didn’t say it back. All he cared was that Alex knew how Jack felt. That’s all that mattered.

“Hey babe, ready for a night filled with horrid rom-coms?” Jack said with a grin as Alex opened his door. Alex smiled, kissing Jack as he stepped into his house. He lead him upstairs, the tv set up and his mattress on the ground, so they could be closer to the TV.

Jack popped in the first movie, 50 First Dates, and then went over to Alex, lying down so his head was resting in his lap. Alex’s fingers idly ran though Jacks hair as the movie played, Alex was so into the movie he didn’t even notice Jack watching him instead of the movie. It was when he looked down at the other boy that he noticed. That familiar blush spread across his cheeks.

“What?” Alex asked lightly, pushing Jacks bangs out of his eyes. Jack grabbed the hand that wasn’t in his hair, bringing it up to rest over his heart. He looked Alex in the eye then took a deep breath.

“I love you, Alex.” Jack said strongly and clearly. Alex looked at him for a few seconds, blinking once, then twice, before a smile spread across his face.

“I love you too, Jack.” Alex whispered. Jack grinned sitting up and facing Alex so he could kiss the boy he loved. Alex deepened the kiss first, his hormones acting up all of a sudden. He was just so happy. Jack loved him. Loved him.

Before they knew it, they were both down to their boxers, moving against each other trying to get that much needed friction. This wasn’t the first time they’ve had sex, far from it, but there was something different about this time. Something more intimate about it.

Jack kissed down Alex’s chest as Alex reached up to grab a condom and bottle of lube out of his side drawer. He didn’t waste time in slipping Jack’s boxers off and rolling the condom over his dick, jerking him off a few time just to be a tease. Jack grabbed the bottle of lube as Alex slipped his own boxers off, lying underneath Jack.

Jack stared at the boy below him, chest and cheeks flushed red, chest moving up and down with each breath he took. Jack didn’t understand how he could be so lucky to have someone as beautiful as Alex.

After he had coated two of his fingers with lube, he slowly slipped one inside Alex, knowing that one wouldn’t bother him too much. Alex pushed back against Jacks fingers, a needy whine falling from his lips. Jack smirked and added another finger, scissoring Alex open. Alex moaned low and deep in his chest as Jacks fingers pushed in farther, hitting that bundle of nerves right on.

“Jack,” Alex moaned, “I want you inside of me.” He panted, eyes locking with Jack’s. Jack quickly removed his fingers, wiping them on a shirt thrown carelessly to the side. He lined up with Alex’s entrance and slowly pushed in, groaning at the feeling of being inside of the boy.

“Fuck.” Alex hissed out. The pain and pleasure mixing together to make one overall amazing feeling. Jack let his lips wander all over Alex’s neck as he slowly moved with the boy. Jacks hands found their way to Alex’s dick, moving his hand in time with his thrusts, trying to make Alex get the most out of this as possible.

Alex came first, Jack’s name falling from his lips at his orgasm took over. He saw white for a few seconds, his body tingling all over. When his vision finally came back he saw Jack’s body slowly shake, signaling he had just came too. Once Jack had come down from his own orgasm, he slowly pulled out, ignoring how light the condom felt before throwing it out. Alex slipped his boxers back on and passed Jack his before he slipped under the covers with Alex, movie completely forgotten.

“I love you, Alex.” Jack whispered eyes locked with Alex’s. Alex blushed.

“I love you, Jack.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to Jacks once more before letting his eyes slip shut.


’Wow. You’ve gained some weight.’ the words echoed in Alex’s head as he stared down at the mess he had made in his toilet. Toothbrush in hand, he flushed the toilet. A few minutes later, he let the toothbrush go to the back of his throat, feeling the familiar sensation of vomit coming up his throat. The tears trickled down his face as he sat there, small sobs falling from his lips.

He didn’t hear the door open behind him, but he did hear Jack when he spoke his name.

“Alex, baby.” Jack whispered falling to his knees beside Alex. He flushed the toilet and wrapped his arms around the crying boy. Alex let it all loose then, the tears falling even harder from his eyes.

“I’m so s-sorry, Jack.” Alex cried out, gripping the boys shirt with both his hands. Jack just shushed him lightly, telling him over and over again it was okay. That he would be fine. Jack didn’t ask about why he did this again. Why he relapsed. He just held his boyfriend until his cheeks were dry, only small sniffles coming from him.

Jack helped Alex brush his teeth then helped him into his bed, lying down with him. He brushed some hair away from his face, hand resting on his cheek. Alex was waiting for Jack to ask him why.

“Lex, what happened?” Jack whispered. Alex let out a shaky breath, he wanted to tell Jack, but it was hard.

“My dad stopped by today. You know, for one of his yearly visits.” He started the bitter tone he always had when talking about his father shining through. Jack nodded urging him to continue, he knew how Alex felt about his dad, pretty much the same way Jack felt about his mom.

“One of the first things out of his mouth was ‘Wow. You’ve gained some weight.’” Alex whispered out. Jack sighed lightly puling his boyfriend closer.

“Lex, that’s a good thing. You’ve come so far baby, I’m so proud to see you healthy, Alex. You could be 500 pounds and I would still find you beautiful. I wish you would realize that, Lex.” Jack said each word with so much emotion Alex almost started crying again.

“I love you, Jack. I love you so much.” Alex whispered, eyes watering again. Jack smiled leaning over to kiss the boy lightly on the lips.

“I love you too, Alex. No matter what, remember that, I always love you.”


July was the month where everything went wrong.

Alex had woken up that morning like usual. He had walked down stairs and grabbed all his mail, his stomach twisting and turning at the sight of the letter from the university he was dying to get into. He slowly opened the letter, the anticipation killing him already.

“Dear Mr. Alex Gaskarth, we would like to congratulate you on your acceptance into our program...” Alex couldn't help the exclamation of happiness that fell from his lips. His hand immediately went to his pocket, pulling his phone out. He went to call Jack, but paused when his eyes landed on another letter, his name scribbled on it in a familiar scrawl.

He slowly grabbed the letter. That was Jack’s writing, no doubt about it. His stomach dropped suddenly. Slowly he opened the letter pulling out the single piece of paper inside.

‘Alex, I want you to know that I had no choice in this. There was nothing else I could do. I had to go with him and I’m so sorry. I love you, Alex. I love you more then you’ll ever know. But I’m gone. My dad.. He packed all our things up and told me we were leaving. Something happened with him and... Lets just say if we stayed we would have been in trouble. I was able to sneak away and get this letter to you. But my dad threatened me if I tried to see you.

I’m sorry, Alex. I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you again. For all I know I wont. I’m not asking you to wait for me, I couldn’t do that too you. But if we do see each other again, I’ll probably say hi and hope you remember me.

I love you. I’m sorry. I’ll miss you.

- Jack


Alex woke up to his mother’s worried face above him. He blinked a few times, confused as to why he was on the ground. His mother helped him up fussing over him asking him if he was okay and what had happened. Alex mind went straight to the letter, praying it was all a dream. But then his eyes landed on the letter by his feet.

“He’s gone.” Alex whispered the tears coming to his eyes. His mom questioned who was exactly gone.

“Jack. He’s gone.” Alex whispered. A the sobs wracked his body as his mother’s arms wrapped around him, whispering words in his ears.

“He’s gone.”


So overall, I don't know why I posted this. There was only two comments on the last chapter, but I wanted to finish it and get it over with because obviously people don't like it as much as I thought.

Now sequel wise, I'm not sure I'm going to post it. I have it started, but there wasn't a lot of hype on this story so I don't feel the need too.

I have a tumblr, if you want to try and convince me to post it. http://ianplanet.tumblr.com/

Thanks to those who read it and i hope you liked it.

rating: nc-17, paring: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: let the walls come down

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