(no subject)

Nov 19, 2011 11:12

Title:  We've All Been Lost For Most Of This Life Part 2
Author: Megan aka ianplanet  
Pairing:  Danny Kurily/Matt Flyzik, Danny Kurily/Ian Planet, Alex Grieco/Alex Gaskarth
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own these boys. title goes too Avenged Sevenfold
A/N: part two!

Danny lay awake in the bed waiting. He knows the sign’s of when someone wants to fuck, so he’s pretty sure he didn’t get them confused with Ian. He started getting upset at the thought that he wasn’t going to get laid tonight when he heard his door creak open. He looked up and squinted through the darkness, he could just barely make out Ian, who was quietly closing the door behind him.

Then all of a sudden he was on top of Danny, just in a pair of boxers. Danny’s hands immediately went to his hips, rubbing small circles into the smooth skin. Ian leaned down so his mouth was hovering over Danny’s ear.

“If you don’t fuck me like your life depends on it, I’m going to be a very upset hunter.” Ian practically purred out, Danny grinned, snapping his hips upward so Ian could feel exactly how hard he was going to be fucked. Ian let out a small moan head falling against Danny shoulder.

“Clothes. Off. Now.” Ian ordered. Danny quickly shimmied out of his pajama pants and boxers, ginning when Ian slid under the covers with him, his own boxer’s having been discarded too.

They both groaned in pleasure at the feeling of their dicks touching, both thrusting at each other trying to get some of that much needed friction. They just moved against each other for a little bit, mouths attached, tongues mapping out the unfamiliar territory.

“I want to ride you.” Ian gasped pulling away, Danny nodded, pupils blown wide in the dark light. Ian didn’t bother to let Danny stretch him, he just pushed his hands away when he went too, grabbed Danny’s dick and lined it up with his entrance, then slowly slipped down over it. He stopped when Danny was fully inside of him.

Danny tried not to make too much noise, the feeling of being inside Ian was amazing. He was usually the one getting fucked, not doing the fucking, so this was a nice change for once.

“I stretched myself after I went ‘to bed’.” Danny nodded, a small moan falling from his lips as Ian moved up and down. He didn’t go too fast, he enjoyed the feeling of Danny inside of him and wanted it to last longer then he knew it would.

“Fuck.” Ian gasped out when Danny hit that spot. He gave up on the slow pace and just started moving up and down, Danny thrusting upwards in time with him.

“Touch me.” Ian mumbled, hands on Danny’s hips as he continued to let Danny fuck him. Danny’s hand moved towards Ian’s dick, wrapping around it and jerking him in time with their thrusts. Ian didn’t last long after that, he came with Danny’s name on his lips and hand on his dick.

Danny took a few more thrust but finally came, anothers name on his mind but Ian’s name on his lips. Ian slowly lifted himself off of Danny, grabbing his boxer’s and slipping them on just as slowly. He leaned over Danny and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Thanks for that pretty boy.” He mumbled before he snuck out of the room. Danny shook his head and stood up, grabbing his boxer’s off the floor he used them to clean himself off, before slipping on a clean pair. He turned back around to see Matt.

“Fucking christ!” He almost yelled, but caught himself at the last minute. As he tried to calm his racing heart beat he saw Matt look him over once, then over the room.

“Was I interrupting something?” He asked, his monotone voice sounding overly loud in the small room. Matt’s gaze on Danny make his skin burn like it was on fire. What was this angel doing to him?

“Uhm, no.” Danny mumbled a blush on his face. He looked down at his feet, ignoring the fact he was only in a pair of boxer briefs. He looked up startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Matt’s, he had laid it over the imprint of his hand he left when he dragged Danny back up from hell.

“Mine.” He almost whispered out. But Danny heard him, and was once again completely confused by the angel. But when he went to look at Matt’s face again, he was gone.

Danny sighed, the spot where Matt was touching him feeling like it was on fire, the way anything felt when someone who could make you feel things you wish you couldn’t touched you.

Danny gave up on trying to decoded Matt’s weird behaviour and just went to bed, exhausted from the sex and even more exhausted from Matt’s mind games.


“Well thanks for everything, Rian.” Grieco said as they stood by the Impala. It was the next morning and the boys wanted to get a head start, hoping that Zachary was still where he thought he would be.

“Not a problem boys. Don’t be a stranger thought. Come back and say hi every once in a while.” He said with a smile. Danny saw Ian inside the bar, serving customers, not bothering to say bye to them. Not that Danny expected him too.

“We’ll come back next time we’re in town, and you have Jeff’s number right? If you ever need help give him a call and we’ll be right over.” Grieco said. Rian gave one final wave before the two men hopped into the car, starting their drive.

“What are the chance’s Zachary’s still there?” Grieco asked after a few minutes of driving. Danny looked at him quickly, then back at the road.

“No clue.” Danny mumbled, still tired from the night before. He got barely any sleep, too busy thinking about that stupid angel.

“Matt might know. Hey Matt? If you can hear me could you please get your angel ass down here?” Grieco started praying before Danny could tell him that he didn’t exactly want to see Matt right now, but it was too late, before Grieco even finished Matt was there in the back seat.

“Yes?” Was all he said. Danny rolled his eyes, avoiding the mirror, even though he could feel Matt’s eye’s on the back of his head.

“Do you know if Zachary is still where you said he was?” Grieco asked, turning in his seat slightly. Danny snuck a glance in the mirror, just to avert his eye’s quickly. Matt was a staring at him, eyes full of emotion. Danny didn’t know what or why, but all he knew was it made him feel things he wish he didn’t for the Angel.

“We believe he has moved on, but there is still a problem there. Two demons are loose. You two will take care of it.” Matt said. Then once again, he was gone. Danny let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and relaxed. Grieco snorted and turned back around in his seat.

“Guess we got some demons to kill.” He mumbled, Danny only nodded lightly, mind still wandering on about how Matt’s been acting and about how he’s been acting himself.

But he did his best to forget about, instead focusing on the hunt coming up. Nothing like killing some demons to get an angel off of his mind.


“Grieco! I need help over here!” Danny yelled, struggling to hold the demon. who was currently trying to rip his throat out, off of him. He heard Grieco’s groans and realized he was having some of his own problems.

“Shit.” He mumbled. The demon laughed about him, managing to get his hand free enough to scratch at Danny’s face. He could feel the blood trickling down his cheek as the demon got his other hand free. Danny closed his eyes, waiting for the feeling of the demons teeth sinking into his throat, but it never came.

He opened his eye’s too see Matt standing there, hand around the demons throat as he held him off the ground.

“Where is he.” Matt spoke. The demon just laughed at Matt, eye’s wide and legs flailing. Matt glared at the poor human who’s body this monster took over, then pulled his tiny sword from his jacket pocket, burying it deep into the demons stomach. The demon gasped and it looked at it was being electrocuted from the inside, then it was dead.

Matt stood there for a second looking down at the lifeless man, then sighed, placing his sword back into his coat. He then turned and looked at Danny who was just staring up at him, eyes wide.

“Thanks.” Was all he muttered. Matt just nodded.

“You okay out there, Grieco?” Danny called out, slowly pushing himself up. Grieco walked into the room, blood also trickling down his face, but other then that he seemed fine.

“All good.” He mumbled. Danny stood up the rest of the way, a small groan leaving his lips.

“Those fuckers are getting stronger and stronger each time we come in contact with them.” Danny mumbled, cracking his back. He groaned in relief when he felt the bones pop.

“Yes. It seems the stronger Zachary gets the stronger the demons he can bring up.” Matt mumbled. He looked at Danny, but Danny looked away quickly avoiding his gaze. Grieco didn’t seem to notice the way the two men were acting around each other.

“You two should get some rest. I’ll get back to you with more information soon.” Matt said, then was gone. Danny sighed, he needed sleep. Grieco and him made their way to the Impala, slipping inside.

“I’m getting too old for this.” Danny mumbled. Grieco barked out a laugh but nodded his head with a smile.


Danny sighed in content as he leaned back against the chair he was sitting in. He heard Grieco leave not to long ago, mumbling something about some research at the library for a few hours, so Danny took this opportunity to do something he loved.

Jerk off.

He had turned the channel to ‘Busty Asian Beauties’ grabbed some Kleenex and lotion then got comfy. He pushed his pants and boxers down to his ankles and wrapped his hand around himself. Just because he liked to get fucked by dudes, doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy straight porn.

He let his mouth fall slack as his other hand moved to his entrance, teasing himself. He bit his lip as he slipped on finger inside himself, a small moan trying to makes it way out of his mouth. He added another finger and continued to jerk himself off and finge-rfuck himself.

“Daniel.” Danny just continued, picturing Matt moaning his name as he fucked him into the next planet.

“Mm, Matt.” Danny moaned out as his finger’s brushed that bundle of nerves.

“Danny.” He heard again. He marveled at how good his imagination was with Matt’s voice. It was almost like he was there. Danny moaned lightly as he felt what seemed like someones breath against his dick. He opened his eye’s lightly and looked down.

“Danny.” Matt said staring up at him. His hands were resting on Danny’s thighs, eye’s dark. He licked his lips and slowly moved Danny’s hand away from himself, instead replacing it with his own.

Danny almost lost it right there. Matt continued stroking him lightly, Danny removed his finger’s from inside himself, wiping them on his t-shirt, which he just took right off. He didn’t care how wrong this was. He didn’t care what would happen after. All he cared about was how Matt’s mouth was now on his dick, his head bobing up and down.

All he cared about was how much he wanted to feel Matt inside of him, kissing him while they moved together. Not caring about anything but each other.

Matt continued to move up and down, mouth and tongue working magic. But Danny wanted to feel Matt’s mouth against his own, so he lightly tugged on Matt’s hair, waiting till his mouth was off his dick to pull him up to press his lips against Matt’s.

Matt didn’t respond at first, probably confused as to what to do, but then he started moving his mouth against Danny’s, allowing Danny to push his tongue past his lips and map out the territory of the angels mouth.

“Fuck Matt.” Danny panted against his mouth. Matt just groaned lightly as he felt Danny’s hands palming him through his jeans. He quickly moved away from Danny, removing his clothing. He stood there, naked, looking at Danny. Who did the same. They both just took the time to appreciate how perfect the other was.

Danny made the first moved, walking Matt back so the back of his knees were against the bed. Then he turned them around, bring Matt down on top of him as he fell against the bed.

Their mouths met again as Matt’s hands roamed all over Danny’s body, taking in every little detail about it. He moved his hips against Danny’s slowly, trying to tease the man a little. Danny just groaned against his mouth, hips snapping upwards in hope of some contact.

“Please.” Danny mumbled pulling away slightly, Matt nodded. He slowly lined up with Danny’s entrance, making sure to kiss him once more as he pushed in slowly. Danny didn’t moved once Matt was all the way in, the small amount of pain being enough to make it uncomfortable. But after a few moments he nodded, so Matt moved.

It took a few thrusts but soon Matt was hitting that spot on Danny with every thrust. Matt moaned out Danny’s name, his lips against his shoulder where his hand print lay.

“Mine.” he mumbled against the skin. Danny just nodded, grabbing Matt’s hand and intertwining their fingers.

“Yours.” He said, kissing the back of Matt’s hand. It only took a few more thrusts for Matt to reach his orgasm, his forehead against Danny’s, eye’s locked with his at the pure pleasure washed over his body. Danny came not long after, his mouth opening in a silent moan, Matt’s name just barely falling off his lips. They both continued to move with each other, trying to get the most out of the experience they could, not knowing if they could ever be together like this again.

But all good things must come to an end. Matt slowly pulled out, laying down beside Danny who just grabbed a shirt from the floor and cleaned himself and Matt off, not looking Matt in the eye, scared of what he would see. Regret? Shame?

“Thank you.” Matt said, hand tracing Danny’s shoulder where his mark was. Danny just nodded, surprise covering his features, but he didn’t comment on it, just pulled the blankets up over them.

“I’m guessing you’ll be gone when I wake up?” Danny yawned out. Matt just nodded.

“I have a duty to uphold.” He said. Danny sighed, but he understood. He was an angel after all. Angels didn’t have time to be with humans.

“But you are mine. Nothing will change that. Not even what I am.” He said one last time, kissing his shoulder. He looked at Danny, eye’s smoldering with an emotion Danny didn’t know he could feel. He leaned in and kissed Matt softly, his stomach fluttering at the touch.

“I am.” Danny mumbled pulling away, his eyes slipped closed. Matt kissed his chest, cheek, forehead and each of his eye lids. Danny was fast asleep already, so he got up and got dressed, his fellow angels were looking for him, and there was no way he would risk letting them find him with Danny. Who knows what they would do to Danny.

Who knows what they would do to Matt.

“I am yours.” He whispered, eyes roaming over the man’s face. He closed his eyes briefly, the sting of leaving Danny once again coming over him. He felt his wings stretch out against his back. The angel’s were getting restless.

“Yours.” He whispered one last time, then in the blink of eye, was gone.


pairing: danny kurily/ian planet, paring: alex gaskarth/alex grieco, paring: danny kurily/matt flyzik

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