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Apr 24, 2007 22:05

OK, taking a break in voting to write this entry.

I don't think you've truly lived until you post what you feel is a fairly innocuous rant in a rant comm and proceed to inadvertantly jump-start an explosion of wank.  It happened to me.  It truly boggles my mind why something as insignificant as comments would start such a wankfest.  I just think ( Read more... )

house, doctor who, american idol, cunting heifers, wank

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Comments 7

sellthelie April 25 2007, 08:19:33 UTC
About the wank, I definitely know that feeling. Not with icons, but I posted a part of a story one time, and the previous part, got lots (for me) comments, and then the next bit drudged along, gathering rarely any. It made me a bit sad, wondering was it complete crap? Did no one like it? Or were they just not reading. But eventually moved past it!

Ignore the wank, it's nice to know that people like what you are doing, and spending time on. Regardless of what it is.


iamtheliquorr April 25 2007, 08:24:48 UTC
Awww, thanks. :) I'm just really over people acting like assholes all the time. I'm not one to tiptoe on eggshells which means I argue with people a lot, which means it gets very tiresome after a while. But it seems that in fandom people will jump all over other people over the dumbest things.


surrexi April 25 2007, 09:33:24 UTC
I've definetely noticed a decline in icon comments lately, too. And I also find it mildly depressing/discouraging. Especially since I was just starting to get high comment numbers before this lack of commenting trend started. *sigh*

I missed Idol b/c of work today, but as soon as my mom told me what song Jordin sang I was like "OMG DID IT ROCK SO HARD?" Heh. I love that song.


kazzy April 25 2007, 19:34:03 UTC
Wank makes a fangirl tired. :(


coaldustcanary April 25 2007, 23:30:00 UTC
Wank is friggin' endless, but I admit I enjoy every DW wank that gets posted. It's always such a blast in terms of the variety of comments and the explosion of mice, half of whom you can identify from doctorwho or time_and_chips without even having to think about it.


marcella_riddle April 26 2007, 07:24:39 UTC
1) I am obviously an attention whore, or I wouldn't leave a mostly-public LJ



iamtheliquorr April 26 2007, 07:38:27 UTC
Ahh, chit, I meant have a mostly public LJ. *facepalm*


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