So Not Part of the Plan
By iamstealthyone
Summary: Sam and Dean’s journey takes an unexpected and irritating detour. Follows the story started in
Are We There Yet?. Drabble.
Characters: Mostly Sam and Dean.
Rating: PG (Genfic).
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Not making money off of them.
Author’s notes: Yup. It’s become a ’verse.
“You’re so cute!”
Dean glared at her. Of all the yards they could've napped in, they’d wound up in hers, and now here they sat, freakin' pets in a cage, wearing pink dresses.
Pink. Dresses.
Settle down, Sam scolded. She can help us, if we figure out how to communicate with her.
Dean still wanted to bite her.
Fine, he grumbled as she went into the kitchen. But if she finds out who we really are and stalls on calling Bobby, just for kicks …
We’ll bite her.
Dean nodded, satisfied, and waited for Jo to bring them dinner.
August 2008