Something Icky This Way Comes 1/1 (Supernatural)

Jul 17, 2008 11:34

Something Icky This Way Comes
By iamstealthyone

Summary: “So pretty,” Dean murmured, petting the jack-o’-lantern in a way that made Sam really, really uncomfortable. Drabble.

Characters: Sam, Dean, and John.

Timeline: Preseries. Dean’s 18, and Sam’s 14.

Rating: PG-13 (Genfic).

Word count: 100

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Not making money off of them.

Author’s notes: Written for the 100-ghosts prompt: jack.

“So pretty,” Dean murmured, petting the jack-o’-lantern in a way that made Sam really, really uncomfortable.

And what, exactly, did Dean think was pretty, anyway? Couldn’t be the pumpkin, which Dean had carved to look like a ghost puking up ectoplasm. Maybe it was the --

“Love you, baby,” Dean said, then kissed the jack-o’-lantern’s shiny orange top with tongue and moaned.


Cringing, Sam turned to Dad, who seemed to be the only thing holding Dean up, one arm wrapped around Dean’s waist. “What’d they give him at the hospital?”

“Just Demerol.”


Dad nodded.

Dean cuddled the pumpkin.

July 2008

preseries, supernatural, drabble

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