Title: Shift
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Gen, mentioning canon pairings
Rating: PG
Word Count: 12,561
Summary: Exploring the ruins of the Hub after a Rift quake, Gwen finds something completely unexpected that could change everything. But is it an answer to all her problems, or just a new complication?
Warnings: Set nearly a year after COE
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Comments 10
Very good :)
And I love Andy, so always a plus! :P
I liked the idea of bringing back an Ianto, not the Ianto. One of RTD's comments about not bringing back Ianto was that his sacrifice would be for nothing. Well, this way, the sacrifice still stands. Ianto still died at Jack's side, and wasn't revived. Also, the Ianto that comes through hasn't come from an idyllic existence. He lost Gwen and Jack both, and has had to make it on his own without the support Gwen's had from Rhys and Andy. He hasn't lost his life, but everyone around him. The coming through the Rift has gone a small way to mending it, but he knows that in HIS world, Gwen and her unborn child still died. So it's bitter-sweet for both of them ( ... )
Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. It's more realistic for an Ianto from another universe to come back, rather than the actual Ianto, as it just wouldn't fit in as well as it could do.
Andy is definitely love. I do have an Andy icon >> See? I'm Andy to the person below me's Ianto and the person below her's Jack :P And sometimes I'm Gwen. *shrugs* It's fun! :)
I think Andy's more than capable of handling what Torchwood could throw at him, but it's a question of whether he'd want to. I can see him handling alien stuff with unflappable calm, but I think he'd prefer regular police work. That said, it might grow on him, and he might get a taste for it. Ianto grew in that way, from Countrycide to Meat, if you compare his worried conversation with Tosh in the cellar to his stun-gunning fury in the back rooms of the warehouse.
Canon allows for such a slip through so easily! I was originally planning to header this story with a quote from the Doctor, season Two, but I forgot. (There are parallel worlds, Jackie. Every single decision we make creates a parallel existence, a different dimension.) Perhaps it's just as well, because it rather would have given the game away before the reveal, if you know what I mean.
Role playing is fun! I've only started doing it for the first time the last couple of weeks. :)
*bookmarks for later rereading*
"Well, this is Torchwood," she said. "It's a job requirement. Too stubborn to notice when we're supposed to be dead."
That pretty much sums it up I think :)
There are some good stories out there, both fix-it and not. If you ever change your mind about reading COE/post-COE fic, I'm starting to bookmark the best I've found on my delicious, though I'm a bit behind.
*poked Read It Later list, with its 143 bookmarks*
I know what you mean about the bookmarks, I have a giant folder full of them just waiting to be read. Right now I'm avoiding most of the CoE unless it's from someone on my flist or gets a good rec from one of them. I figure if I'm going to be made to cry it should be by someone I actually like. Like that girl in the comment above me. I am even putting off finished my own, I am quite pathetic.
This is stuff I've read, I just haven't delicious bookmarked it, because that takes time and I have to be in the mood. I've been busy with knitting and writing, so the delicious has taken a bit of a back seat. I got my Read It Later nearly down to 100 not long ago. Now look at it!
Honestly, your Ianto makes me feel like I am standing helpless, waiting for the right time to jump in with a hug. I like that!
Also, love your Gwen and Rhys. They rang true! Just the right mix for each of them.
And Andy - that man can make himself seem so put-open and pitiful at the same time.
Dammit - if I point out all the good, I will be giving you a book report!
And you'd have to be careful when you hugged him too, or otherwise you'd embarrass him or put him on the defensive, etc. etc.
Ah, excellent. I felt like Rhys maybe should have featured a bit more, but honestly, he'd be at work most of the time, and I wanted to focus on the Gwen-Ianto dynamic, because it's what the story was about, really.
Andy was probably the most fun to write. I love the lines he gets in the show, and I wanted to bring some of that dry sarcasm/cynicism into this, as well as the way he quite willingly lets Gwen walk all over him a bit.
Hey, child of librarians, here! I'll give you a mark out of ten and a sticker!
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