drabbles, remixed!

Apr 13, 2008 21:23

So I have a whole stack of fun things to talk about as far as remixing, remixredux08, remixthedrabble, and the awesome folks who came by the remixfreakingredux AIM chat for cheering, confusion, venting, puzzling through, betaing, and in general discussing the finer points of remixing as a sport. I'd check you all by name but since the remixes haven't been revealed yet I figure there's always the possibility of letting something confidential leak: though at the moment I can't think what that would be in this case.

But, anyway. I'm going to talk about these things later in April, when the Remix Redux remixes go up.

TODAY, I am going to point out that remixthedrabble has gone live, and somehow I won the Awesome lottery and got 3 of my stories remixed.

FIRST, in M*A*S*H fandom, I got His Hands (Returning Remix), a remix of my drabble Hands, that took the snapshot I'd written and set it in heartbreaking context. Because there really is something special about BJ and Peg.

THEN, in my old Star Trek stomping grounds, I got Today Is Yesterday (Future Past Remix), which remixed my longish Kira/Dukat story Dislocation, Condemnation, Revelation, In Temptation into 100 perfect words. If you want to see the magic of drabble-remixing in top form, read these 100 words; they say it all.

And FINALLY, someone wrote Threads (The Backstitch in Time Remix), which took my Doctor Who story Savile Row, a story mostly about a pocket, and brought the Whoverse mythology, time travel and Martha, and made it actually about something real. Nice remixing, person. Brilliant job.

I love this season, I do.

recs, ficathon, fic by others
