DCU Free-For-All Prompt Table: "There's no 'I' in TEAM!"

Jul 21, 2006 00:58

for duc_freeforall. I intend to complete 33 - 3/5ths of the prompts, that is. I may go over; I very likely won't complete it at all. jbadgr, this is all your fault. Well, athenemiranda might've helped by providing the 'verse.

No 'I' in 'Team'; Batman & Iron Robin (Bruce Wayne and AU!Tony Stark)
may contain underage shenanigans; will definitely refer to past sexual abuse and ( Read more... )

fic: dcu, fic: batman, verse: batman & iron robin, challenge: dcu_freeforall

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Comments 2

jbadgr July 21 2009, 16:58:35 UTC

Bats and Tony- that sounds pretty effing amazing! Have you decided whether it will be fiction of art?


iambickilometer July 21 2009, 21:26:18 UTC

You can thank the Marvel kink meme for that, weirdly enough. It'll probably be a mixture of both.


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